Even though this was her first time going to school here, she could still find it with the help of her earthbending...and the fact that she already knew the layout of the city didn't hurt either.

She looked at the time on her phone and saw that its nearly 8am, meaning...she was late.

Marinette Dupain - Cheng is never late!

That was one of the things she was able to keep up even after she came to Republic city, because when you have a mission, you can't afford to be late.

Not wanting to do that she picked up her pace, and all of a sudden she was running full speed towards her new school.

She always liked running, when she was younger she would go running with other cadets, it made her feel free, as though she didn't have all those responsibilities, like she didn't have to put up this facade, she was just...free...and she also felt like that whenever she rode Simba.

Simba. The masters say he's her animal guide, as every avatar has one. Armadillo lion's are big cats who are known to be one of the fastest land animal on Xadia, they're usually different shades of brown so it's easier to merge with their natural habitat. No one was ever able to tame them, except well, Marinette a few years back.

She didn't pay attention to her surroundings and all of a sudden she hit something... A body?! She did not already kill someone, did she?!

She opened her eyes hoping that wasn't the outcome and...nevermind he's fine and alive!

She had to be more careful.

The girl looked at the boy in front of her in relief and when he turned around she was just confused...he was just strangely familiar...

Where had she seen him before?!

"I'm sorry, are you ok?" Asked the boy nicely while looking at her with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine, uhh you?" She was supposed to ask that, right??

"I'm all good, thanks," And with that the boy turned around and continued walking.

At first she felt bad for not apologizing, but then she remembered, soldiers don't apologize!

And then she also remembered what she was actually supposed to be doing...which is running to school, with her head in the game this time.

And so she started running again, she could feel she was almost there, but she still hurried up a bit.

When she got inside the building, which was gigantic by the way, she went inside to find the principle's office. When she finally did find it, she quietly knocked and opened the door. Inside there was an older man sitting behind a desk.

He introduced himself as mr. Damocles. He gave her her schedule and showed her to her classroom.

She awkwardly stood in front of the door of the classroom, not wanting to go in, it just didn't really feel right.

After some time she finally knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Said a soft female voice.

Ok, Marinette this is it!

She slowly opened the door.

"Oh you must be the new transfer student!" Said the lady standing in front of the class. Marinette dared only to nod.

She knew she shouldn't be feeling like this, what could a muggle do to her?! She's defeated a lot of muggles in her life! Even the worst one of them all!!

"Class this is Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Our new transfer student from America, I hope you will all be your best self and help her if she needs anything. Please do take a seat Marinette," Said the teacher. Marinette wasn't really from America, if you hadn't realized that yet, but she was once there. There she was chased by a detective who claimed she killed someone, which she did many times in her life, but not who the detective claimed. She hated when people accused her of something she didn't do.

She did as she was told and sat at the far back of the class, where she had the best view of everything and everyone around her. Just then she felt someone's eyes on her. The young avatar slowly looked around the room and saw the same blond guy who she just bumped into on her way to school.

He really looked familiar...

The moment their eyes met the classmate awkwardly smiled and waved at her. She quickly looked away, not wanting to pay any more attention to the ones around her than she already had. Which wasn't really a lot...and she wanted to keep it that way!

To be honest she didn't really pay much attention to people around her. It's not like she cared what any of them had to say, why should she?! They ruined her life and not just by forcing her to come here, but also-

No, she's not going to think about that, not now, not here, and most certainly not with people surrounding her.

First day of school was (fortunately) cut short due to a bank robbery with hostages near the school, so they sent everyone home.

Marinette however, didn't have the pleasure of just going home and doing nothing for the rest of day...no, she had to go to that bank and apparently save some people.

She could do that.

As soon as she got out of school she ran into the nearest alley, Tikki, who went with her, then came out of her hiding and flew in front of her trusted friend.

They shared a look as Marinette called out the "famous" fraze

'spots on', which helped her transform into someone else, back home she went by the name Ladybug, even though everyone already knew who she was under the mask.

It was then that she realized...nobody knew who she was...

Here she wasn't.. Marinette Dupain - Cheng, the girl who lived, the avatar,.. It was almost...relieving, kind of.

Here nobody really had any expectations of her, and even though it was all happening all of a sudden and completely out of nowhere, for once in her life, the young girl felt... normal.

A siren brought her back to reality. Looking up to the roof of the building in front of her, she jumped and quickly began her way towards the bank.

She stopped on a rooftop with a clear view of the sight.

With her earthbending she was able to feel how many people were inside, how many officers and bystanders were here.

14 hostages

3 robbers

And a hell of a lot police officers... great, this was just great...

Ignoring the fact that there was probably no way that she will get out of this unnoticed, she stood up from where she was crouching and jumped towards the bank.

Finding a way inside was easy, as usual. There she was met by someone she prayed upon her previous lives she would never run into again...

"I thought I told you never to come back," Said 'someone'