"I thought I told you never to come back," Said 'someone'
Her face fell the second she heard that voice. This just proves that her ancestors didn't give a shit about her.
She turned towards the source of those words, narrowing her blue eyes the moment she met his.
"I don't have time for this, I have people to save," And with that she made her way towards the hostages.
She could hear a snort come from behind her and she so wanted to just turn around and punch the living shit out of the one person she hated the most in both worlds...the one that was still alive that is.
Fighting to ignore the whole situation and just focus on the more important thing she examined the robbers...
Two were taller than the third, and more built, but she could take them down. They were distracted with talking to the police about money, pfft pathetic, muggles always ever want money.
One of the hostages was badly hurt, a woman seemed to be dead, but she still felt a heartbeat, she just had to hurry.
As she waited for the perfect moment, something- or rather someone, caught her attention.
The cat dude that she despised so very much, decided then and there to just jump in and save the day. The cat was always thinking stupid, well that's his whole personality to be completely honest.
Finally, she jumped in and killed the man closest to her, a metal shard in the neck was enough to take him down. The bigger ones were always the easiest to get rid off.
They started shooting, but Ladybug managed to stop the bullets mid air with her metalbending.
Her alleged new partner, as she was told, knocked out the other bigger one. He never had the guts to take someone's life.
Pathetic, really, it was almost sad.
The avatar was preoccupied with the smaller guy, who she had to admit was fighting quite good, but not good enough to actually win. When she burned his face with firebending, the man fell down on his knees and cried out in pain.
Another metal shard in a man's heart later and the party was finally over.
The young superheroin left as soon as she came, not wanting to drive attention to herself.
"You killed them,"
"Yeah i know, that was kind of the point," Stopping and turning around she came face to face with her...one could say rival...Chat Noir, he had the same power source as her, a miraculous.
He had a ring, when she had a set of earrings, as you probably already noticed, his powers were based on a black cat and hers on a laygbug, "one would have thought you'd get used to it by now. I'm a monster, remember? At least, that's what you always said."
"What are you doing here, Amethyst?"
She stopped in shock, but she didn't let it show on her face...she hadn't heard that name in such a long time, ever since, ever since she escaped and never looked back.
"I don't go by that name anymore, it's Ladybug now," Said confidently the girl, "how did you even know it was me?" She said looking to the side.
"The scar,"
Ah yes, her so very famous scar.
When she was her normal self, she wore an illusion, so people didn't see it, at least here. Back home she only wore the illusion for the other ones, as it did not matter if people saw the one on her forehead.
But when she was Ladybug, the illusion disappeared, because of her suit, the only scar visible was that one.
By now, she had already found out, how she got it, as she didn't really remember anything, as it was expected, considering she was just a baby back then.
But as a child she always wondered if it meant anything or not. Growing up where she did, she wasn't really exposed to the best circumstances every child should have been. She was beaten everytime she even thought about asking questions.
It basically became a routine after a while.
After she escaped and came to Xadia, she was recognized by few creatures who were guarding the portal, through which she came out of so many years ago. The moment they saw the scar, everything changed for her. Both for the better and for...not so good.
It took some time for her to adjust to her new life. She basically had to forget about everything she was taught in the Horde... Thinking about that place still brought pain to her, though she did not let it show.
"You didn't answer my question, what do you want...Ladybug," He said her new name, mockingly.
With a roll of her eyes she answered his question,"What a girl can't come back to relive a few memories, eshh,"
"We both know that's not true. If you came here just to start endangering the city's people again, you can just leave,"
"It's not like a wanted to come here in the first place, so don't flatter yourself. Besides, as the avatar it is my job to save people," She said as a matter of fact, because well..it was.
"I don't think killing innocent people is in your job description..."
"Those men weren't innocent, you should be thanking me right now, because I just did YOUR job in there!"
"You know what I'm talking about. I may not know what you're planning, but I know it can't be good!"
she honestly couldn't blame him for that.
"I'm not planning anything! I came here, because you people can't seem to save yourselves!" At this point they were just shouting at one another.
"Oh yeah? Well we certainly don't need your help-" He was interrupted by camera flashing. It was then that they realized...they fucked up...
They were standing in a rooftop which was surrounded by citizens of Paris.
It's like they wanted paparazzi to come. She couldn't help but notice Alya in the crowd, filming their entire argument.
As soon as Ladybug saw her, she left the scenery. They had already wasted enough of her time and energy.
That evening when the had dinner, Alya wouldn't stop talking about this new heroine, who they know nothing about.
Who is she?
Where did she come from?
Did you see the way she made fire with her bare hands?
And how she moved the bullets without even touching them?
Seriously, it was like she never saw a bender before.
That night Marinette couldn't fall asleep. Her mind kept going back to her memories from the Horde.
This was happening, because that stupid cat had called her by that name.
She hated it. She hated everything that had to do with the Horde, with... her, but most of all she hated... she hated Hordak.
Lord Hordak.
The time it took to actually stand up to him...
Ever since she can remember, she was told how worthless and powerless she was if she didn't obey him.
And to be told how worthless you are, so many times, it just... It goes in your head, until you actually believe it.
Like it's a fact.
'You have the power of God.'
'I will have that power, no matter what.'
'This world will bow before me, they will tremble at the mere mention of my name.'
'What better way to make that happen than to have the power to control a God.'
He would always say that.
Wanting to take her mind off of... everything, she put on a black hoodie and quietly jumped out the window, not wanting to wake anyone up.
Her favorite thing to do when she was little, was to just go out into the night and watch the night sky. Of course as she got older, she couldn't do that anymore, she was way to busy with recruiting others, training, and planning future missions.
Unknowingly she came to the Eiffel Tower. After she realized where she was, she just decided to climb it.
There she stared at the sky, wondering what her family and friends were doing, what her little sister was doing.
Prim Everdeen wasn't her real sister, but she liked to think they were.
She's actually her friends sister. Katniss, Prim's actual sister, she...she died a few years ago, actually no scratch that.
She was killed.
She was killed, and...Marinette was the one that took her life...
Marinette just sat there thinking about...all sorts of things.
She thought about... How stupid she'd been for ever agreeing to come here, what would happen to her career, about how much she despised Chat Noir, she even dared to think about... about, Catra...
To be honest it still hurt thinking about basically anything that had to do with her.
Catra, she was her childhood friend, they grew up together, but she couldn't just ignore the obvious fact.
The fact that Catra tried to kill her. About the things she's said not so many years ago.
She hasn't seen her since. Sometimes she wonders where she is.
After awhile she got up and went back home, knowing tomorrow was school.
And so she left those unwanted thoughts right there on the Eiffel Tower.