Ch 3 Part 1

Chapter 3

The meeting hall was somewhat loud as many people that had been close enough to hear Sachi were still whispering about it among themselves. Her father finally standing up after a few minutes, making sure that everyone was present. As Alpha, he could always tell if people were still missing. As he looked around, the Betas and all their charges came in. His number one Beta stood next to his charges that had brought in his daughter and niece. They appeared to still be in pain, their hands bound with a lightly silver laced rope. It would help keep them from fighting back. The look of pain still upon their faces. The goddess was stripping them of their full wolf for now. The elders brought their heads up from their conversation once they realized the Alpha had stood up and was standing in front. Looking at the two that were bound, some had confused faces, only one sat sternly. It was a decree from the goddess herself.

Adie walked back in front of the council members, using his Alpha tone, in a booming voice, he growled and demanded everyone's attention. Everyone in the room caught their breath as his voice resounded in the building. Looking to the crowd of people gathered, some looked as two were tied in the front, small gasps could be heard as one of them was clearly his daughter. The ones that were close enough to hear the decree were looking on with partial disgust. He then began to speak to everyone in the room.

Adie Bennion: "We have had a decree set upon us by our goddess, Selene herself. My youngest child, as the special alpha was used by the goddess to send a message."

Members in the room that were not close enough looked on in confusion as the ones who heard it sat intently listening to everything once again. He continued his proclamations.

Adie Bennion: "The Lunar Queen has said that she sends the special born to unite her children. That if harm come to family outside accidents, they shall have their bonds removed. Though I am sure those already mated will not do anything to mess up their bonds."

Most of the audience members that are already mated, hold each other's hands and nod in agreement, those that are not, gasp in shock.

Adie Bennion: "As you may have understood it, you will be without a mate, doomed to live with half a soul. She says that their destined mates will be assigned to someone else if that law is broken. Their wolf will basically be suppressed, but she will allow them to have enough to defend themselves. Only through offerings and repentance will she consider removing the suppression. IF we do not follow these rules, she will simply kill us as she seems to be fed up with her children."

Gasps run through the crowd as he finishes what was said.

Adie Bennion: "She says she will not tolerate any more of her children trying to act as though they were human. She will only show leniency to those that started that way as they are still learning our ways. She wants this message sent to all other alphas in all the villages we can reach by bird or messenger. All those that have birds that can make it to the outlying areas, please come forward as well as those messengers that can hold their own when traveling."

The elder council members start mumbling like he has gone mad, only the one that heard it stands. His own daughter still writhing in pain from the suppression of her wolf. Walking over to the Alpha, he turns to the rest of the council members.

Elder member: "I can see the confusion upon your faces. But I was in the area when his daughter started speaking. The decree from our goddess herself. Trust in your alpha, his own daughter is the special alpha. The goddess would not lead us astray. I was there and am still wrapping my head around it. We must prepare all the messengers with the decree and send them out."

Adie smiled and thanked him. He then looked down upon his daughter and niece. With a heavy heart, he braced himself for his next task. His daughter and niece looked upon him, terror in the face of Tarai showed clearly, his own daughter only showed hatred, far worse than a pack member should be. Both of them still moving uncomfortably on the ground as most of the pain was now subsiding.

Adie Bennion: "Thank you elder. I really do not feel like dying because I defied our goddess. I must get this over with and quickly."

He took a few deep breaths, closed his eyes, calmed himself down and began to speak once more."

Adie Bennion: "My sons, please bring your sister Sachi here to me. She will help bear direct witness as the one who channeled our goddess herself."

Her brothers walked over to were Sachi was sitting, she tried to stand on her own, but due to the challenging draining her so much, her legs now felt like jelly. For a moment, her brothers almost seemed like they were going to fight over who helped her, at least till she let out a small laugh. They went back to stern looks, seemingly embarrassed. They helped her up and carefully guided her over to were her father was standing. A chair was brought over for her to sit on, once she was seated, her father began again.

Adie Bennion: (He stands just to the side of Sachi, staring down at his other daughter and niece, with an arm gesture pointing to them…) "Thank you my sons. Now Sachi, you will bear direct witness to what the goddess said through you. Now then, my daughter Arlynn, you conspired with your cousin Tarai in an effort to try and kill your own kin. As per the instructions of the goddess herself, I am hereby forced to banish you both till the goddess feels you have repented and offered enough. Tomorrow we shall take you beyond our borders and you are to live as feral wolves live. This is the decree of our goddess and the order given to me under a penalty of my own death if not completed."

Arlynn Bennion: (Looking at her father with horror and disbelief in her eyes, she then turned her eyes to Sachi as they were filled with hatred and anger…) "You, this is all your fault! Why should I be banished? Why did you not die that day? Why is it that you are the favored one? And now you get rid of me?"

Sachi Bennion: "I am not the one getting rid of you. It is the decree of Selene. You were most likely the one who pushed me in the river that day and our cousin conspired in the plot to try and kill me. How could you justify acting as humans would with such pettiness? We have a ranking in the pack given by the goddess"

Elder Member: "That is right, no one can defy the rank we were born with. That is why we all share the wolf sign on our arms. You hold your arm out, I would like to see what your rank is myself. Hers as well."

Tarai merely whimpered as she did as she was told, her body still racked with the pain of having her wolf pretty much taken from her. Arlynn on the other hand, was being defiant of an elder member. Ordering her brothers, Adie used his Alpha tone to have one of them hold their sisters arm for him to look upon. Arlynn protested and fought, despite how much pain she was still in from what the goddess had taken from her. Despite her struggle, the elder managed to get a good look at both of their arms. With a stern look upon his face, he began pointing out the marks she had.

Elder Member: "This right here, all of us have it. Your mark indicates that you are a type four beta, you are the lowest end of beta, Arlynn. What makes you think you are better than an alpha, let alone the alpha born with the grey filled pattern? Compared to that on our ranking system, you do not even match up."

Arlynn just stared daggers at the elder, it was as if nothing anyone could say was going to get through her thick skull that she is already placed in the system. Struggling hard to free herself from two of her brothers grips, she ended up in verdantly hurting herself further. Her brothers snapped their attention to their father with a worried look upon their faces, worried something would happen to them. Arlynn then tried sneering as though she got the upper hand and that her brothers would now be punished too. Sachi then sat forward once again, her eyes aglow, she stood up as the voice that was not her own boomed from her once again as her hand reached out and grabbed Arlynn by the chin, forcing her to look at her.