WebNovelMy Judge25.00%


Harry was looking at Louis judge a random girl group. He was so mesmerized by Louis and everything he did.

It had been a week since Harry auditioned and so far it was going good. He had managed to impress the judges and pass on to the next round.

Now he was patiently waiting to perform in front of Louis and the other judges.

A few minutes have passed and he went on to the stage.

He performed the song he was supposed to sing and managed to wow he judges.

He then noticed that Louis was looking at him way differently than the other judges.

The other judges looked impressed while Louis looked horny.

Harry couldn't help but wonder what exactly was causing Louis to look like that and why.

He ended up getting a "yes" from all of the judges. He was happy that the judges liked his performance.

Harry walked off and started thinking about how Louis kept smirking at him throughout his performance and afterwards.

What does this mean?

Was he the one making Louis smirk like that?

Was he making Louis horny?

If the answer was yes, why?

Was it his looks?

Was it his voice?

Or was he simply impressed like the other judges were?

Harry knew for a fact that that smirk wasn't just an innocent smirk. It was the smirk he always gave his boyfriends or girlfriends whenever they did something sexy.

But what was sexy about Harry?

Maybe it was his deeper than usual voice. Or maybe it was his curls. Either way, he had girls and boys and everything in between crushing on him.

But none of that compared to the Louis Tomlinson crushing on him.

In fact, not even his own girlfriend acting sexy has made Louis smirk like that.

Speaking of the beard...

Harry wondered again if Louis was actually dating Eleanor and those hints that he's dropping are not actually hinting at anything.

Unfortunately, a lot of fans think that. Harry would be fine by it if it weren't for them telling the people who do believe Louis is gay to go kill themselves.

Some of them were homophobic while others say it's "plain disrespectful" to assume something about someone else. Harry believed that it wasn't disrespectful as long as they didn't go rubbing it in Louis's face.

And this is why Harry hasn't bothered asking Louis about it. He didn't want to be considered "disrespectful."

Harry decided that he'd text his best friend Niall.

Niall Horan was Harry's best friend from home. Niall was born and raised in Ireland but moved to Holmes Chapel once he started high school. Harry had managed to befriend him and the two of them have been best friends ever since.

Niall has been pretty supportive of Harry. He supports his sexuality and his crush on Louis. He even supports his theories on Louis being gay. Which is why he's texting Niall in the first place.

To Niall: Niall! You there?

From Niall: Yeah, what's up?

To Niall: Have you seen how Louis smirks at me?

From Niall: Yeah, he doesn't even smirk at his girlfriend that way.

To Niall: Because she's a beard...

From Niall: Wait a minute...

To Niall: Does that mean...

From Niall: That he's gay and possibly horny for you?

To Niall: Yeah.

From Niall: OMG YOU'RE Y/N!!!

Harry decided that he'd leave Niall on read and return to his dormitory, theories floating in his head.

What if Niall's right?

What if Louis is gay and horny for Harry?