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Louis had come to the conclusion that he was indeed gay and horny for Harry as he watched the boy perform.

Oh, the things that Louis could do to Harry right now.

He wanted to bang Harry across the judges' table.

He wanted to kiss Harry's pretty neck and abs.

He wanted to spank Harry's tiny little bum.

He wanted to suck Harry's cock (with permission, of course).

He wanted to pound into Harry and have him scream his name.

He wanted Harry to call him daddy.

But most importantly, he wanted to kiss Harry and tell him he loved him.

Louis's dirty thoughts slipped out of his head once he heard Harry finish. He simply gave him a yes like all the other judges.

Harry walked away all happy and Louis wanted to kiss that smile away and replace it with a scream. A scream that said "daddy."

Louis knew that Harry was a kid so he couldn't technically do that but that wouldn't stop him from fantasizing it.

But he couldn't act on it. Louis was closeted by his management and had a beard. He couldn't just fuck a kid out of thin air.

If only Simon could let him be free and be with whoever he wanted. And this time, he'd be with a guy. A real guy. One that he truly loves. Not just some racist dog walker who doesn't post about her famous boyfriend on social media and instead posts about a pair of dogs.

Speaking of being gay...

He wondered what Harry's sexuality was. Was he even gay? Bi? Pan? Or was he plain old straight?

He certainly hoped he wasn't straight.

In fact, he preferred if Harry was unlabeled over him being straight.

Louis definitely knew that Harry wasn't straight. Something about him screams LGBTQ+ community.

Sure, straight guys can paint their nails and wear "girly" clothes and wear makeup. But Harry seemed genuinely attracted to guys. And maybe he was also attracted to girls, who knows?

So maybe it was his wrist? Maybe the way he acts? Or maybe it's because he listens to Sweater Weather and Girl In Red? Who knows.

Either way, Louis was curious to know Harry's deepest and darkest secrets.

He wanted to know more about Harry's background, not just the fact that he works in a bakery.

He wanted to know about Harry's social life.

He wanted to know everything about Harry.

But most importantly, he wanted to know how Harry felt about him.

What was Harry's sexuality and would it be possible for him to fall for Louis?

Louis just wanted answers.

Apparently, Louis was so distracted with his thoughts of Harry that he didn't know that another contestant came up.

He sat there bored as the contestant tried to sing his heart out but instead it sounded terribly.

He then returned to his thoughts of Harry.

There was something about that boy that made him want to corrupt his innocence (if he had one).

He didn't know what it was, but he wanted that one thing that Harry had.

That sexiness that made Louis want to fuck his brains out.

Louis was definitely gay and horny for Harry.