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Harry watched in awe as Louis was giving a live performance on the show.

He admired Louis and his ability to perform in front of thousands of people in that studio plus millions watching from home without getting nervous. Or he simply did not show nerves. Either way, he still admired him.

He loved everything about Louis, from how small and cute he looked on stage to how big his smile was when everyone would sing along.

Harry enjoyed it. He enjoyed seeing Louis happy. He enjoyed his cheeky little smile. He wanted to see it everyday. He wanted to be the cause of that sunshine smile that warmed his heart.

So when Louis finished performing, Harry was sad. He wanted to hear more of his melodious voice. Maybe, if he was lucky, he could ask his mum once he gets back home to buy tickets to Louis's next tour. After all, Louis is having a tour next year, right?

Louis went backstage where Harry was at. Harry held his breath, feeling unholy of breathing the same air as the Louis Tomlinson.

"Hey," Louis said as he sat by Harry.

"Hey," Harry responded timidly.

They didn't talk much after that, but Louis kept stealing glances at Harry.

What does this mean, Harry thought.

All of a sudden, Eleanor came backstage.

"Hey," she said as she went to try to kiss Louis.

Louis shifted away towards Harry. Harry internally screamed.

"What are you doing?" Eleanor asked.

"What do you mean?" Louis answered with a question. "We're not actually dating, remember?"

Eleanor motioned towards Harry. Louis looked horrified when he found out what he did.

So Louis and Eleanor are not dating, Harry processed in his mind. That means I still have a chance.

"Hey," Louis looked towards Harry. "Promise not to say anything, okay? I'm gay."

Harry widened his eyes. He always had theories over him being gay, but he was made fun of by the other kids because it "was disrespectful." Never in his life did he imagine he was actually right.

"I knew it," he whispered so only Louis could hear.

"Really?" Louis widened his eyes towards Harry. "What gave it away?"

Comfortable silence took over for a few seconds. Finally, Harry opened his mouth.


Louis looked confused. "What do you mean 'everything'?"

Harry took a deep breath.

"You never seem to show affection towards Eleanor. You rarely show PDA with her. But when you're with your male friends, you seem more comfortable. It's almost like you were dating your friends instead. Also, you've never confirmed or denied the rumors."

Louis looked surprised. He kept looking between Eleanor and Harry.

Finally, Louis sighed. "So you promise not to say anything?"

Harry internally groaned. He really wanted Louis to just come out at once and break up with his fake girlfriend so that he can boast to his school that he was right all along. However, he knew that he was probably forced to hide it by his management so he couldn't say anything yet.

Harry didn't want Louis to get in trouble.

He sighed.
