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Louis was horrified. He just told a kid the one secret that his management forced him to hide: he was gay.

He didn't mean to forget that Harry was right there. He avoided kissing Eleanor and reminded her that they weren't actually a thing right in front of Harry.

But at least Harry promised to not tell anyone. And that was important.

All of a sudden, a cold voice distracted Louis from his thoughts about closeting and Harry.

"Tomlinson! Come here right now!"

Louis did as he was told, not wanting to get into any more trouble than he was already in.

"So," Simon began. "I've been told that you have revealed to one of the contestants that you are homosexual and that Eleanor is your fake girlfriend."

"Yes," Louis nodded.

"Well, you weren't supposed to say that because now we run the risk of him telling everybody."

"I know that, sir."

"So now you need to find a way to correct this problem."

"Yes sir."

"Go and make him promise that he won't tell anybody."

"I already did, sir."

Simon then let Louis off with a warning.

Louis went back to make sure that the contestants were asleep. He was looking through the bunks trying to find the one that he wanted.

He then found it and stared at the sleeping beauty that was Harry.

He looked beautiful when he was asleep. His curls were all over his face and he let out soft snores that sounded like music to Louis's ears. He looked adorable as he hugged his stuffed rainbow teddy bear.

Harry was simply beautiful.

Louis tried not to wake anyone up as he slowly and carefully cuddled into Harry's bed, something he has been doing for a little over a week now.

Harry stirred in his sleep and cuddled into Louis's arms.

Louis's heart swelled as the sleeping beauty snored softly against Louis's chest.

Louis then started imagining what it would be like to actually wake up to this. Harry in his arms while still sleeping as Louis admired every single perfect feature of him.

It was amazing. Louis would want to get up and start getting ready for work as Harry refused to let go of him. Harry would make a pouty face to try to convince Louis to stay.

Then they would have some morning sex. Morning sex that actually felt like love and not just some shameless fucking.

Then Louis would try to make breakfast. He'd try to make pancakes but they would turn out all burnt and out of shape. Harry would just laugh it off and eat them even though the pancakes would poison him.

Louis was clearly whipped. He was whipped for a teenage boy that just happened to audition for the same talent show he was supposed to be a judge in.

But Louis didn't care. He wanted Harry and he would soon get him.

A few minutes later, Louis left Harry for his own bed. Harry tried reaching out for him, but Louis just sighed and patted his hand.

Yup, he was whipped.