WebNovelMy Judge41.67%


Harry woke up and looked around to see no one there. He felt cold without someone to cuddle him.

He looked at the bunks. Everyone was waking up normally as if they haven't felt someone cuddling them to sleep.

Harry had dreamed last night that someone was cuddling him to sleep. Someone was hugging him tight to protect him.

However, he didn't just imagine anyone. He imagined Louis.

He imagined Louis cuddling him as he slept and looking out for him. He's been doing so for a little over a week.

Little did he know, he wasn't dreaming.

Louis had really cuddled him to sleep. In fact, he has done so every night for over a week. However, Harry had been sleeping so he didn't notice.

He ate breakfast while still thinking about last night. Why has he been dreaming about Louis cuddling him to sleep if judges weren't allowed to do that to contestants?

After he finished eating, he went to the studio to practice. He was singing a cover of "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay.

He was singing and practicing choreography when one of the judges came in to see how he and the other contestants were doing.

He turned around to see it was Louis.

"Hey Harry," Louis motioned towards Harry. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Harry walked outside to where Louis was at.

"Yeah?" Harry replied.

"Have you told anyone yet?"


"Good. I don't want you telling anybody. I already got in trouble once for blurting it out in front of you."

Harry's heart sank. Louis, his idol, got in trouble by his shitty management over him?

It was no secret that Modest, Louis's management company, treated Louis like shit. Harry always knew this, and he used this to support his theory that closeting was part of this shit treatment.

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered shyly.

"No need to be, love," Louis replied.

"But you got in trouble over me."

"No you didn't. It was my fault for forgetting you were there."

"Yeah, but if I wasn't so shy-"

"Don't say that, love. I think it's cute."

Harry's eyes widened. Louis Tomlinson just called him cute. He called his shyness cute. Those words kept replaying in his mind.

"Oh," Louis realized his mistake. "I shouldn't have said it like that, I-"

"It's okay," Harry replied.

"But I sound gay."

"Yeah, well, I'm bisexual. At least I think I am."


Harry couldn't believe it. He had just told his idol that he was bisexual. Well, at least the two of them were even now.

Louis then let Harry go. Harry finished rehearsal and went to perform in front of the judges. Louis, as usual, looked horny and ready to fuck Harry against the judges' table. Harry got a good score as always.

Once Harry found himself backstage, he was on his phone. He was doubting on whether or not to text Niall the newfound news that Louis was in fact gay.

He could trust Niall. Niall knows how to keep his mouth shut, something the whole school still doesn't know how to do. However, if he tells Niall, then that would be betraying Louis's trust. And he didn't want that.

So he slipped his phone back into his pocket and watched the rest of the performances.