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Louis was happy. He had found out that Harry was probably bisexual. However, Harry had also said that he wasn't sure. Maybe he was unlabeled? Who knows?

Either way, he was horny as Harry gave his usual performance. He wanted to fuck Harry against the judges' table. He wanted to do all sorts of things to him.

At least now he knew that he might have a chance at having Harry like him back.

So when Harry finished singing, Louis was upset as usual. He grew a liking to Harry's melodious voice.

After the show, he went to find Harry on his phone texting someone. He was curious about who he was texting.

"Who are you texting?" Louis asked Harry.

"My friend Niall," Harry responded.

Louis sat and thought. Who was this 'Nail' guy? Was he just a friend like Harry said? Or were they more than that? Or what if he had feelings for Harry but Harry was oblivious to them?

Either way, it was clear that Louis was jealous. Or 'jealouis' as his fans would call it.

The fans gave the name 'jealouis' to whenever Louis would become jealous. Louis would usually become jealouis whenever he didn't receive attention or when someone focused their attention on someone or something else other than him. He gets jealouis a lot.

Right now Louis was jealouis of 'Nail.'

"Louis?" Harry looked at Louis.

"Oh, sorry," Louis said as he focused his attention back to the curly-haired beauty. He had been thinking about Harry and 'Nail' too much that he forgot he was talking to Harry. "Who's Nail?"

"Niall," Harry corrected him. "His name is Niall. Also, he's a friend of mine. Has been for a while. Don't worry, we're just friends."

Louis widened his eyes. Harry sensed Louis's jealousy (or jea-louis-y). Harry indicated that 'Niall' was just a friend as if Louis was his boyfriend. Isn't that weird?

"S-sorry," Harry quickly stuttered out. "Didn't mean to make it sound as if-"

"It's okay," Louis interrupted. "No need to apologize."

Harry started blushing. Louis noticed that Harry looked cute whenever he blushed. The way his pink cheeks went red every time he was embarrassed was enough to turn Louis on.

Harry then looked over at Louis's cock. It was hard.

Louis looked at his little problem. Apparently, Louis Junior decided it would be a great time to swell up like a balloon.

"Uhhh," Harry said nervously. "You have a little-"

"I know," Louis said, looking at his issue. "I know."

Louis then walked away and went to the bathroom. Once he was inside and he was sure that nobody was there, he pulled his pants down and dealt with his boner.

He rubbed the tip and thought of Harry. All the things he wanted to do to him right now.

Oh to slam him against the table and fuck his brains out.

"H-harry," he moaned out. "Harry!"

It didn't take long for him to cum. He came all over his hand. He took some paper towels and cleaned off his mess.

He came out just to realize that Harry was right outside the whole time.