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Harry was surprised to say the least. He had just heard his idol and long-time crush moan out his name while getting off.

"Louis?" Harry looked at Louis with wide eyes.

"Ummm," Louis started blushing.

"It's okay," Harry replied as he glanced at his own little problem.

"Come on," Louis offered. "I'll sort you out."

Louis led Harry back into the bathroom to help Harry. He lowered Harry's pants down and pulled out Harry's massive dick.

Harry shuddered at the feeling of Louis's hands on his cock. It was hot.

All of a sudden, Harry started moaning Louis's name as Louis sped up.

Then, Louis bent down on his knees and took Harry's member in his mouth. He hollowed his cheeks and started sucking on Harry's dick. Apparently, Louis didn't have a gag reflex because he didn't choke.

"L-louis," Harry moaned. He felt good as Louis continued sucking on his dick.

"Call me daddy," Louis said, mouth full of dick.

"D-daddy," Harry moaned again.

"That's it, baby," Louis responded.

Eventually Harry came in Louis's mouth. Louis swallowed the whole thing.

"Hey," Louis said as he looked up at Harry.

"Hey," Harry said looking down.

Harry was a mess. Louis was so hot. Harry wanted to be banged by Louis then and there. He wanted to know what it's like to be banged by Louis Tomlinson.

Just then, Louis stood up and leaned into Harry's ear.

"Hope you enjoyed that, baby," he naughtily whispered in his ear.

Harry just stood there, mouth wide open. This was all he wanted, really. One of his biggest dreams came true.

He opened his phone to tell Niall all about it.

To Niall: Niall! You won't believe what happened!

From Niall: What?

To Niall: I gave Louis Tomlinson a blowjob!

From Niall: Really? That's great!

From Niall: But how did that happen?

To Niall: Well, I was texting you and then he became jealouis.

From Niall: Ooh...jealouis.

To Niall: Yeah. I then told him to not worry about it as if he were my boyfriend or something.

From Niall: Oh.

To Niall: Yeah. Then I looked and noticed that he was hard.

From Niall: Whoa whoa whoa...so let me get this straight.

To Niall: *Gay

From Niall: Whatever. You made the Louis Tomlinson hard?

To Niall: Yeah.

To Niall: Anygays, he ran off. Then I went to the bathroom and heard him moaning my name as he was getting off.


To Niall: Yup.

To Niall: And so I got hard and ended up receiving a blowjob from Louis.

From Niall: That's strange.

From Niall: I always thought he'd top since you're a bottom.

To Niall: I think he is a top but didn't really show it because I was the one that was hard.

From Niall: Oh.

From Niall: Anywhore, that means I'm the captain of the Larry ship.

To Niall: The what?

From Niall: The Larry ship. It's the ship between you and Louis.

To Niall: You created a whole ass ship name for us?

From Niall: Not me. It was the media.

Harry then went on his social media platforms and searched "Larry" on them. Apparently, a lot of fans ship Louis and him together as "Larry Stylinson."

Harry couldn't help but smile. A lot of fans shipped Larry and called themselves "larries."

Of course, there were haters that kept saying that Larry was fake and that Elounor was the real deal. However, Harry now knew that Elounor was in fact fake so he let it slide and burst into laughter.

He left the bathroom and went back to his bunk since the show was over. He sat for a long time thinking about "Larry" and how smart the fans are.