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The next morning, Louis decided that he would ask Harry to be his boyfriend.

It might be too soon, but it would also be awkward between them if Louis had given Harry a blowjob even though they're just friends.

So Louis told Harry to meet him backstage after the show. They would talk about the two of them and where they stood, and eventually he'd ask Harry to be his boyfriend.

"Hey," Louis said when Harry showed up.

"Hey," Harry responded. "So what did you want me here for?"

"Take a seat."

Harry sat down.

"So," Louis started. "You know how yesterday I gave you a blowjob?"


"Well, I feel like it might not mean anything to you..."

"It does."

Louis's eyes widened. "It does?"


They sat in comfortable silence until Harry spoke.



"I have to tell you something."


"I have a crush on you."

Louis turned to look at Harry in the eyes. "Really?"

"I've actually had one since you were on the show. I've had one for five years. It was always a celebrity crush, but now I'm pretty sure it's more than that."


Louis then leaned in and kissed Harry on the lips. It was a soft, passionate kiss with no tongue involved.

Finally, Louis pulled away.

"Hey," Louis breathed. "I think I have a crush on you too."



They kissed again. It got more heated as time went by.

Eventually, Louis pulled away again.

"Harry," he said. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Harry thought about it for a minute until he replied.


Louis was beyond happy with that answer. He was happy that Harry was his boyfriend.

Harry said yes.

The kid with the curly hair and the green eyes said yes.

He engaged Harry in another kiss.


Louis was sitting at the judges' table as he watched Harry perform for the last time. Today was the day that the winner was determined.

Harry had managed to pass on to the final round of the X-Factor. Apparently, Louis was not the only judge impressed by Harry's voice.

Harry sang his heart out. Louis looked so fond of his boyfriend. Yep, he definitely knew that Harry would win.

Once Harry finished, the judges stood up and motioned for the other contestants that made it to the finals to come onstage.

They announced who came in third and second. Now it was time for them to announce the winner.

The winner got to take home £100,000 and got to sign a record deal with SYCO, Louis's record label.

Louis didn't want Harry to sign a deal with his record label because then that would mean that Harry would be closeted and would be forced to get a beard. But if all went well, then Harry could leave and sign with someone else.

"And now," Simon's voice echoed through the room. "The winner of the seventh series of the X-Factor is..."

Everything paused. Louis looked at Harry. The two of them were both nervous as fuck.

Then Simon said the name out loud.

"Harry Styles."

The crowd cheered. Harry went to hug all the judges and thank them for everything.

He lingered on Louis. Louis was so happy for his boyfriend and his big win today.

A lot happened. The cameras pointed to the two of them as they embraced each other in their hug. Everyone cheered even louder.

After that, Louis and Harry went backstage and made out for a while.