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Harry sat in his private jet as he looked out the window. He was being flown to LA to sign a contract with Modest Management, the management company that X-Factor contestants get after they get famous.

After he won the X-Factor, he was given a check of £100,000. He cashed it to his mum as a "thank you" for being there and supporting him all these years.

He looked out the window towards the clouds. They looked different from up here than down below. Mainly because the clouds weren't coating the jet down below.

He looked over at Paul Higgins, his bodyguard. He was watching over him just in case something bad happened.

Harry decided to go back to sleep to pass time. He dreamed about his boyfriend Louis and being out together.


Harry looked over the contract that Simon gave him. He was basically signing away his freedom.

The contract said that he had to do everything that Simon and his management or he would get in trouble. Harry didn't like getting into trouble, so he'd have to do everything the contract says.

It also said that the contract allowed his management to interfere with his love life, meaning that management can make up or break up relationships with any celebrity of their choice.

And it said that the contract allowed his management to make up his image, meaning that how the public viewed him was controlled by management.

Harry thought all of this was messed up. How could they do this to such an innocent person who only wants to be able to make songs and sing them in front of their fans? And, most importantly, how did they get away with all this?

And the fact that Harry didn't have a say in this at all was what made things worse. Management could do stuff to his public image without his permission. And that made Harry mad.

Then he thought of Louis. Sweet, innocent Louis, who had done this exact thing a few years ago. He was also young to know what he was getting into.

Louis had come out to Harry accidentally one time when he specified that he wasn't dating Eleanor, his beard, while Harry was around. He had made Harry promise to not tell anybody so that he wouldn't get into trouble.

Harry of course, accepted and didn't say anything to anybody. He was always suspicious about Louis's sexuality, and Louis basically confirmed it that night. However, Harry knew that Louis's management was the sole reason that Louis couldn't come out and be himself.

Of course, homophobic people exist, and that's why management closets them. Their job is to make their clients famous, and being themselves would do the opposite.

However, Louis's fans, or "louies," are very accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. Of course, there's still those homophobic fans, but the good ones outnumber them.

Harry just wishes that his new fans, or "harries," are the same. If they were, then they would be very accepting of his and Louis's relationship.

So he took a deep breath and grabbed the pen as he scribbled his signature on the already crinkled up paper.