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Harry looked up to see Taylor Swift. Of course, management hired a beard for Harry. He was supposed to be walking with her in the park, but he couldn't seem to be paying attention to her.

Harry liked Taylor. She's pretty and has a nice personality. But she isn't Louis.

Louis had a nice sunshine smile that was hard to find. Taylor didn't have it. Louis had nice blue eyes that you could get lost in. Taylor had blue eyes, but Harry couldn't get lost in them. Louis's eyes crinkled when laughing or smiling. Taylor's eyes didn't.

Louis was a boy. Taylor wasn't.

Of course, Harry was bisexual, or as he recently discovered, unlabeled. That meant he could like girls. But lately Harry hasn't found interest in any girls. He's only found interest in guys, specifically Louis.

"Harry!" Taylor screamed again, gaining Harry's attention this time.

"What?" Harry turned to Taylor.

"Why aren't you paying attention to me?"


"You're thinking about Louis, aren't you?"



"No need to lie, Harry. In fact, just like I'm here to closet you, you're technically closeting me as well. I'm gay."


Harry thought about it for a moment. Taylor Swift is gay? How did he not ever think about this possibility? Harry has always focused on determining if celebrities are gay or not, specifically Louis, but he never suspected Taylor of anything. But then again, she acted real close with Karlie Kloss.



"Just know that we're in this together."


Harry then remembered what Louis told him. That a lot of celebrities have gone through this and that they certainly wouldn't be the last.



"We're not the last ones, are we?"


Harry was mad to say the least. He hated this whole closeting thing. Why couldn't management let him be free and let him be who he wanted to be? Why did he have to hide from the public?

He then thought of his womanizer image. He was only walking around with Taylor. He hadn't confirmed or denied anything going on between them. But he already knew that the media would turn it into something else.

That was how it always was. If Harry was seen with any girl, no matter how old they are, the media automatically assumed they were dating. They would even come up with a ship name and would make fan accounts.

Harry took a break and sat down on a bench. Taylor soon followed. They both grabbed their phones and looked at what the media was freaking out about.

Apparently, there was already an article about what happened today.

"Celebrity news: Harry Styles and Taylor Swift enjoy a peaceful walk at the park as they stroll hand-in-hand."

Taylor scoffed at the news. "I can't believe the media genuinely believes this shit."

Harry chuckled. "I know, right?"

They read the article and laughed loudly at what they were reading. Apparently, the author at the end asked if the public genuinely shipped it.

They then read some of the replies.

@ harrys_fourth_nipple: Heck yes!

@ swiftie4life: Lol why not?

@ haylorisreal: Are you kidding me? It's my damn life!

@ kaylor_is_real: Lol no. #kaylorforlife

"Hah!" Taylor exclaimed in joy. "That fan is so smart!"

Harry looked at the next reply.

@ larryisrealasf: Don't you think it's a bit weird that they go on one walk and there's already people shipping them together? Yet everybody said that shipping Harry with Louis Tomlinson was disrespectful when they've had more moments together. The hypocrisy is real y'all.

Harry smiled as he read the tweet. That fan is right on so many levels. Sure, they brought up Larry, but they still got their point across.

He put his phone away. Taylor copied his actions. Harry then proceeded to walk Taylor home and get back to his and Louis's flat.