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Tina's voice hissed as Louis looked down at his phone. Apparently, Louis was on a fake date with Tina since Eleanor called in sick today. However, Louis knew it was her and Max's one year anniversary, and an article about your girlfriend going out with another celebrity wouldn't be the best anniversary present.

Louis was busy reading an article about Harry going on a walk with Taylor Swift. It angered him how many fans were shipping them together over a walk. He looked up from his phone to look back at Tina.

"What?" Louis asked annoyed.

"What are you up to?"

"Look at this article about Harry Styles and Taylor Swift."

Tina looked at the article.


Tina was Louis's favorite out of the Calder triplets. He liked all of them, but Tina was better. Mainly because she was fun at parties.

"So," Tina began. "The media is shipping your boyfriend with another girl - who happens to be gay and closeted - over a walk together."

"Yup," Louis nodded.

"It's because of his image, isn't it? That he's dating any woman he's seen with?"


Louis got angry at the thought of Harry's womanizer image. He wanted to snap the necks of the people who hated on him for that.

Tina sat back down and ate in silence. Louis did the same.

Louis thought about how unfair closeting is. He thought about how creating an image of someone that isn't what they really are is unfair. He thought that being hated on for something you're not is definitely unfair.

He dropped Tina off at her flat and headed to his own.

"Harry?" Louis called out to Harry knowing he was home.

"What?" Harry approached him and extended his arms to hug him.

Louis and Harry then started talking about the "Haylor" article. To make matters even, there was an article about "Elounor" going out together.

They then spent the night watching movies and cuddling in each other's arms, PR stunts being long forgotten by then.