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Harry stared out the window during his meeting with his management. Apparently, he and Louis got in trouble for the loudness in their song.

"You do realize your relationship should be kept secret, right?" Simon glared at the two of them.

"Yes sir," Louis nodded as he gripped Harry's hand tighter.

"Well," Simon continued. "Your fans have figured out that the song you two wrote together is about your relationship with each other."

"As they should," Harry muttered under his breath.

"Excuse me?"



Harry kept rolling his eyes as Simon was scolding them to not do anything like that ever again in their songs. He exchanged glances with Louis, knowing full well that they'll still do it since nobody could stop them.

After the meeting was over, Harry and Louis left Modest! Headquarters with their hands held tightly and smirks on their faces.


Harry looked at the text message that Taylor sent him:

Taylor: We're making a rebellion against the music industry.

Harry: A what?

Taylor: A rebellion against the music industry.

Harry: Really?

Taylor: Yeah. A bunch of singers that were/are affected by the industry are gonna rebel against the industry.

Harry: Cool.

Taylor: Me and Karlie are against closeting. You and Louis should join us!!!

Harry: Let me talk to Louis first.

Harry put down his phone and went to the kitchen to find Louis attempting to make pancakes.

"Hey Louis," he said, wrapping his arms around Louis.

"What?" Louis replied, leaning into the touch.

"Taylor texted me. She said there's this 'rebellion' thing where a bunch of celebrities team up against the music industry."

"Well, who's in on it?"

"Her and Karlie. She hasn't mentioned anybody else, but I'm sure she talked to other people."

"Okay. Tell her I'll think about it."


Harry turns back to his phone.

Harry: He's thinking about it.


Harry was watching a movie on Netflix while eating popcorn when Louis came home from work looking angry. Louis had been working on his next album for the past few weeks. Harry has also been working on his album but he had the day off today.

"Hey," Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and hugged him tight. "What's wrong?"

Louis looked at Harry directly in the eye. "I've had it."

"With what?" Harry asked curiously.

"I've had it with management and hiding my relationship. I'm sick of writing about a fake beard that I don't feel anything for. I'm done with this stupid homophobic management."


"Also, tell Taylor I'm in."


Harry quickly rushed to text Taylor:

Harry: Hey Taylor...

Taylor: What?

Harry: We're in.

Taylor: Really?

Harry: Yeah. He told me he's sick of writing about his fake girlfriend.

Taylor: Oh.

Harry: So he told me he's joining the rebellion.

Taylor: Great!

Harry put his phone down and smiled to himself. He was also sick and tired of putting up with his shitty management.

Joining the rebellion means that they might finally get the freedom he actually deserves.