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Louis looked through his social media. Tons of famous musicians were talking about how unfair the music industry was.

Some were basically talking about what scams their management has done while others were doing stuff that their management weren't allowing them to do.

Taylor has posted a picture with Karlie on Instagram. In her caption she came out to all her fans. Most of them were supportive of her and accepted her. There were a few hate comments calling her a "fag" but they were silenced by the dedicated fans.

Louis sighed. He wanted him and Harry to do the same thing. However, they'd probably get in trouble with their management.

And that was the thing. Management wouldn't want that. Louis and Harry were in on a plan to piss off management.

Louis then came up with an idea.

He turned to Harry, who was sleeping peacefully on top of Louis. He looked as adorable as ever, with his curls all over the place and drool coming out of his mouth. He was snoring quietly. Louis felt lucky to know that he finally has him after many weeks of hopelessly dreaming of him.

He then typed out a tweet and posted it.

@ Louis_Tomlinson: I've been wanting to say this for a very long time but I haven't been able to because of management. I have been in love with @ Harry_Styles for about eleven months now and I finally got him. Management has been very homophobic so they haven't let neither of us come out. Now I know that you guys are wondering what happened to Eleanor Calder. We were never in a relationship and she has a boyfriend named Max who she's been with for one year. Thank you for all the support coming from the people that shipped us together from the beginning.

Harry stirred in his sleep. Louis watched with a fond smile as Harry woke up and made grabby hands at him.

"Good morning, sleepy princess," Louis said as he hugged Harry.

"Hey," Harry responded in his deep morning voice. "What happened?"

"I came out to the public."



Louis showed Harry the tweet. Harry read some of the replies.


^ @ larryisrealasf: Mood

@ elounorisreal: Hell nah #elounorforlife

@ larry_shipper_lol: @ elounorisreal: stfu

@ elounorstan: Guess I'll have to change my username...

Harry smiled at the replies. Everybody was being supportive.

He then went ahead and tweeted as well.

@ Harry_Styles: I have waited for eleven months to finally be able to say this, but I am in love with @ Louis_Tomlinson and management can go to hell. Management hasn't let us come out because of homophobia, so they made us have beards, or fake girlfriends. As you all know, Taylor Swift came out with her girlfriend Karlie, so I'm coming out with Louis. Taylor and I never dated. Thank you for all your support on Louis's post.

Harry smiled at Louis. He then proceeded to read the comments again.



@ haylorisreal: B- but Taylor...

@ larry_shipper_lol: @ haylorisreal stfu they're both gay

Louis laughed at one of the replies for Harry's post. Harry was actually unlabeled.

He then told Harry to compose another tweet addressing his sexuality since everyone was getting confused.

@ Harry_Styles: I'm unlabeled :)

For the rest of the afternoon, the two boys were reading what people posted on social media about "Larry Stylinson" and about the rebellion against the music industry.