WebNovelMy Judge100.00%


*three years later*

Louis stood on the altar as he waited for Harry to come out. Today they were getting married.

When the two of them came out to the world, they got in huge trouble. However, since a lot of celebrities were coming out, management couldn't do anything about it.

Harry and Louis left SYCO and Modest and made their own record label and management company. A lot of artists, such as Taylor, signed to it knowing that the two of them were trustworthy and would never closet anyone or make up an image of someone they're not.

Now they were getting married.

It was a small wedding where only their family and close friends were allowed. However, there were cameras to livestream the whole thing to millions of people.

And now Harry was extremely nervous.

"Hey," Harry's mum, Anne, was there to calm him down. "It's okay."

"But mum," Harry looked at Anne. "What if something happens?"

"Relax. You love him, don't you?"


"And you want to spend the rest of your life with him, right?"


"Then you have nothing to worry about."

Anne walked Harry out on the aisle. Harry could feel all the stares towards him, but he only focused on one thing.


He was standing right there at the altar. His two best men, Liam and Zayn, were right next to him. The bridesmaids, Gemma (Harry's sister) and Lottie (Louis's sister), were on the other side. Niall stood in the middle, getting ready to marry them.

Louis looked at Harry. He looked adorable clung to Anne's side. His long curls were tamed today and he had a nice black suit.

Louis had a matching dark blue suit and his hair was styled into a quiff.

The wedding started. Niall was droning on and on about love and forever. Louis and Harry both wanted this to be over with so they could spend the rest of their lives together.

Just then, the bows came. Louis went first.

"Harry, when I first met you, you were a contestant on a show I didn't wanna be a judge in. Most of the kids weren't good at all. But then you came along. You amazed me with your voice and your looks. You had me head over heels for you. However, it felt wrong. You were 16 and I was 26. But I didn't care. I still fell for you and am still falling for you every single day. And I want to spend the rest of my life falling for you."

The crowd was in tears and so was Harry. It was Harry's turn to speak.

"Louis, when I first watched you on the X-Factor, I thought you were hot. Then you wowed me with your amazing voice. I was eleven, but I already knew that I was falling for you. When I myself was on the X-Factor, I couldn't help but think that the love of my life and my celebrity crush was gonna be judging me. I kept falling for you. Now I want to fall for you even more. I want to spend the rest of my life adoring you."

The crowd was in even more tears now. Louis was now crying as well.

Then the moment that they've been waiting for arrived.

"Harry Edward Styles, do you take Louis William Tomlinson as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And Louis William Tomlinson, do you take Harry Edward Styles as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Then I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom."

Harry and Louis both leaned in to connect their lips in front of all their friends and family. Everyone sat and admired the scene in front of them until the two pulled apart.

The rest of the wedding passed by in a blur as everybody headed for the reception area. Harry and Louis did their first dance as a married couple and everybody soon joined in.

Before they knew it, everyone went home and now the two of them were on their way to their honeymoon destination.

"Louis?" Harry looked at his newly-wed husband.

"What?" Louis looked back at Harry.

"I love you."

"I love you too."