Episode 19

Both of them sat in the car besides each other but both of them were lost. Elnaz thought that Rafay didn't liked his employees wasting their time around that's why he was irritated. She took note that from next time she will solve her problem on her own and wouldn't accept anyone's help in the matter. But Rafay was in another dilemma. He couldn't understand why he was angry on such a pity thing. He was just helping her but why he didn't liked it. He was bothered nonetheless. It seemed upon seeing both of them so close by that it didn't felt right.

Elnaz has every right to decide about who gets close to her and she herself said that he was helping her. It was the first time he lied that he was going to take her home food where as he was alone going to visit home not that he regretted it but he lied rather than telling her that he barged in because he saw both of them.

'What will she think?' He thought.

'Basically that you are controlling her' her subconscious self butted.

He was far from controlling and he didn't had any answers for what he acted like that for but one thing was clear to him that he wasn't guilty and that put him to ease.

Janet after having lunch left the cafeteria only to see both of them entering the office building.

'Did they went on for a lunch date?' Her head pounded.

She quietly left the floor and went to her cabin.

Throwing away her water bottle she took hold of her chair. She was jealous to the top and with it added anger.

"I will teach you a lesson. Just wait for it." She gritted her teeth. Picking up her notebook she went to Rafay's cabin.

"Mr. Mallick should I start telling you about the latest updates?" She asked standing in front of him.

"Yeah go on."

"The manufacturing team requires more funds in order to finish the last batch of production. Secondly the research and designing team is ready with their new design." She informed.

"Okay. Tell the Accounts department head to issue appropriate funds needed for production and yeah about the design I will pick it up personally." He said.

"Send my words to design team to be careful about the design as it should not leak out before it's first look is released." He added.

"What are the updates on San Jose?" He asked.

"Yes sir the factory will be starting from tomorrow. The chairman called today to inform us."

"Is the senior engineer recruited?" He questioned her.

"Yes sir."

"Alright. Prepare me the consolidated excel sheet of cost for this month. I need it by tomorrow." He said switching his laptop on.

"Okay sir."

Stepping out of his office Janet knew exactly what she had to do. So she walked the distance to Elnaz's cabin and entered.

"Hello there." She said loudly gaining Elnaz's attention.

"What do you want?" Elnaz replied looking up at her.

"I have bought you work. Rafay sent me to inform you that he needs consolidated excel sheets of cost for this month ready by tomorrow. So buck up." She sarcastically smirked.

"But I don't know how to do it and by tomorrow is very short time." Elnaz stood up horrified.

"So? What are you here for? To chit chat with boys? When are you going to learn then?" Janet commented lousily.

"What are implying here?" Elnaz got angry.

"That you should start working. Mr. Mallick also thinks the same. You need to get serious. That's why he sent me here to explain you." Janet replied and turned and left.

Elnaz's couldn't believe what she heard. He thinks of her as a lazy fool now. Does he? She sat down and her mind still couldn't wrap around what she heard. She was shocked at the least. She couldn't believe that despite being said he would think that she was chit chatting with Joey. She didn't liked it and she didn't liked that it came from him.

Moreover how was she suppose to complete a work which she didn't had any experience in. She was getting an headache again. She was blank for a while and couldn't understand whom she could get help from. Thinking about tomorrow and what Janet said built stress in her therefore she decided to go out and get some fresh air.

Reaching outside the office building she sat on the bench near by and watched the cars pass by. People around the office building were busy with something or the other. She missed her friends and her mom today a lot. Not only her mom but also her brother and dad. If Assad would have been here he would have helped here and not to forget his teasing. His father would have asked her to drop everything as he couldn't think of his daughter in stress. She was emotional because What Rafay implied of her made her upset. Two lone tears fell from her eyes. Joey who came by to pick up his wallet he left on his desk saw her.

Anyone could pick that she was sad even from far. Her eyes were dull and she looked lost.

"Hey." He said as he sat besides her.

"Hi." She replied rubbing her eyes she faked a smile.

"Are you okay?" He asked offering his handkerchief.

"I am fine. Thanks." She replied.

"Sure?" He wanted to confirm. He didn't liked it that she was crying.

"Yes. Just missing my family." She told him smiling.

"Ohh. I forgot in your culture you guys live with your parents. In ours it's opposite." He reminded himself.

"Yes but I wouldn't change my culture for anything. Family is for life." She reasoned.

"Hmm. So why you are not at work?" He asked looking at her.

"Yeah I was just stressed. I have to submit consolidated excel sheet by tomorrow and I don't know how to do it." She sighed.

"I will help you out then." He simply added.

"No no. Mr. Mallick doesn't likes it when his employees waste their time at work." She chided. He couldn't believe that she couldn't sense it that he was angry because he didn't appreciated her with other men's around.

'She was naive very naive. 'He thought.

"Okay. Then after work I will help you."

"Don't you have any plans?" She asked innocently.

"I do but I will cancel this one for you. After all what friends are for." He smiled his charming smile.

"I will meet you at Wilson library at the quarters." He told her getting up.

Meanwhile he stood at the top floor of his cabin watching the whole scene in front of him and he hated that he had to watch it.