Episode 21

He dropped Elnaz on the gates of the mansion. Although Elnaz didn't wanted it but he insisted so she gave in. As she reached she saw that the maids were arranging the dinner on the table. Quickly she got in to her room and freshen up. After around fifteen minutes she came down on the table to have dinner. Dinner was same as usual. Normal discussions thrown here and there.

Rafay ate his food quietly. Seeing her he remembered he had to return her wallet to her. After dinner was done he stayed down with his mother to have some normal discussion.

"You know Rafa I was thinking of your marriage." His mother said catching him off guard.

"Marriage?" He repeated.

"Do you like someone?" She asked looking at him.

"Nothing like that Ammi." He replied.

"Should I start looking for one?" She questioned.

"No to that also. When I will find one I will tell you. So rest your mind Ammi." He answered her shaking his head.

Elnaz on the other hand got busy again with her work. She had to finish it off by night. It was a deadline. So she was working on it.

After half an hour Rafay climbed up the stairs and go into his room. After brushing his teeth he saw on his dressing table that her wallet was laying down. Picking it up he shook his head. Pulling up his discarded t-shirt he got out of his room.

Standing outside her room he knocked her door. But she didn't replied. He saw that the lights of her room was still on. So he slowly pushed her door open.

"Yes Joey. I understood. I will try in that method." He heard her saying to someone on phone.

"Hmm.. Hmm.. okay." She was listening.

Seeing her busy he quietly kept her wallet on the table nearby. He didn't disturbed her.

"Thanks a lot Joey. If you wouldn't have helped me I don't know who would have." He heard her while he was closing her door. He didn't like what she said and he was hurt to know that she didn't consider him capable of helping her.

It turned his mood off but he decided not to think about it a lot. With that he called his night off.


She searched her wallet and found it on the table. She didn't remembered putting it there but she was getting late so she quickly tossed it inside her handbag and left her room. As usual after having breakfast both of them left for work. She just hoped that what she had prepared was correct and convincing.

She just one last time wanted Joey to check it for any mistakes before she handed it to Rafay. So once they reached on their floor he saw her enter some other cabin.

'Did she changed her cabin?' He thought. As he stopped by to look Janet came running to him.

"Good morning Mr. Mallick." She greeted him standing next to him. Just when they where going to walk he saw Joey walking inside the cabin.

"Who is he?" He asked still looking at the man.

"He is Joey Macmilan. He joined two days before for the post of senior assistant accountant." She informed happily.

Giving a brief look Rafay went to his cabin. Janet as usual followed him and started telling him about his schedule for the day. When the least he was hearing. Then he remembered last night's conversation. He had heard Elnaz taking Joey's name.

"Thanks a lot Joey. If you wouldn't have helped me I don't know who would have." He remembered her telling him.

'So she was talking to him.' He thought.

What he couldn't understand was how with in two days this Joey had built his trust in her. Was it so easy to trust anyone. She trusted Joey more than him and it bothered him.


Once Joey checked the excel sheet Elnaz came and stood outside Rafay's office to show him the excel sheet. She wanted to show him that she completed her job at the given deadline just when she was going to enter Janet saw her and stopped her.

"What are doing here?" Janet asked standing in-front of the door.

"Why do I tell you?" Elnaz asked irritated at her every time questioning thing.

"Look Mr. Mallick is busy. That's why I am asking you."

"I wanted to show him this excel sheet." Elnaz sighed.

"I will give it to him when he is free. You go now." Janet said taking the excel sheets print in her hand.

She went to her cabin when Firdaus called her.

Picking up the call Elnaz smiled.

"Asalamualaikum. How are you?" Elnaz chirped.

"Walekumasalam. I am fine Alhamdulilla. What about you?" Firdaus asked.

"Just fine. Alhamdulilla."

"How's work going? I hope bhai (brother) is not burdening you." Firdaus teased.

"Ohh don't ask. He is making me do everything. Anyways you say. I hope Azad bhai is not working you out." Elnaz's retorted.

"Hmm I wanted to talk about that only. I wanted to tell you first before I share it with anyone." Firdaus explained.

"Are you pregnant?" Elnaz asked stifling her smile.

"Yes! How do you know?" Firdaus asked shocked.

"Just assumed. Knew that this was only thing in your current list which you would feel shy to share about." Elnaz cleared smiling happily.

"You have become smart. I guess the credit goes to Rafay bhai." Firdaus laughed. Elnaz didn't commented on it anything. She didn't wanted to make Firdaus upset. She was expecting and therefore she wished all the happiness to her.

"So why me? Why didn't you tell about it to anyone?" Elnaz asked.

"I am shy about it. I haven't even said about it to your brother." Firdaus said.

"Okay. So tell him. He deserves to know. After all he is the father and let me tell you he would be over the moon upon knowing that he is having a baby." Elnaz added.

"I know. I will tell him tonight then. I was overwhelmed so I decided to talk to you and like always you helped me calm down. Thank you Elnaz"

"Don't thank me dear. Name you child after me." Elnaz joked.

"Oh come on we don't want everyone teasing her also Ellie- bellie. Now do we!" Firdaus laughed.

"God really Asad bhai (brother) has spoiled you." Elnaz smiled.