On My Nerves

I stood at my bedroom door, trying to figure out what was the best answer to give to my mother, as she stood staring at me.

"Is your mouth paining you? Or have you suddenly lost your voice?" She snapped, when I didn't answer her question.

"Mummy please I'm tired, and I want to go to sleep" I faked a yawn, just so she could believe me.

"Was that the question I asked you? Where are you coming from dressed like this Coco?" she looked at my dress with so much disdain.

"I'm coming from a club"

There you have it, I told her. I'm a grown ass woman for crying out loud, and this is my house. And if she is not comfortable with me going to a club, then she can as well go back to the village, where she came from.

"Coco what did you just say?" she asked with so much surprise written all over her face.

"I said, I'm coming from a club" I answered defiantely.

"When did you become a club girl? Did I raise you to be a club girl Coco?"

"Mummy please not this night, please I want to sleep, let's talk tomorrow morning. Good night"

I didn't even wait for her to respond, before I opened my door and went into my room. I know I'm not going to hear the last of it in the morning, but I don't care. All I want is to take a shower, and go to bed. And I'm not planning on waking up early, because tomorrow is Saturday, and I don't have any meetings. So that means, I won't be seeing her, until 10am or there about.

I was deep in sleep when I heard a loud bang on my bedroom door. It's just I and my mom that are in the house, so that must definitely be her. And I knew she doesn't come bearing good news.

I reluctantly stood up, and went to open the door, it was 6am, and I was surprised to find my mother fully dressed, at the door with her bags.

"Mummy good morning ma, where are you going this early in the morning?" I asked her, as I used the back of my hand to wipe sleep off my eyes.

"Get dressed, you are taking me to the motor park"

"Motor park, what for?"

She already told me she would be going back to Delta State next week, so I don't understand why is asking me to take her to the park today.

"Since you have decided that, you are too big for me to talk to, I'm going back to my house"

"Haba mummy, when did I ever tell you that?" I knew she was talking about last night,

and I didn't want to rehash that, so, I pretended not to know what she was talking about.

"Coco are you taking me to the motor park, or do I use a bus?" She looked all serious as she spoke.

"Okay, give me a minute let me change out of my sleep wear"

My mother had a shocked expression on her face, and I'm very sure she was expecting me to beg not to leave. And if she was waiting for that, then she would have to wait for a really long time, because her visit was beginning to give me a headache, and it would be better for the both of us, if she went back to her place. Before one of us kills each other.

"Are these all your bags?" I asked her, as I came out from my bedroom after I had changed into a jean short, and t-shirt.

"Louisa, so you think because you have small money, you can be rude to your mother right?"

"Mummy how have I been rude to you?"

"I was talking to you last night, and you walked out on me, Your own mother!"

"Mummy I'm sorry but I told you, I was tired and I wanted to sleep"

"Why won't you be tired? When you have decided to waste your life away by being a club girl? At your age Louisa, you are going to a club, when you should be going to a prayer house, so they can pray for you to get a husband"

"Mummy, the way you keep saying at my age, one would think I'm fifty years old, mummy in case you have forgotten, I'm just thirty"

"And old enough to be married with children, Louisa when I was your age, I already had you and your brothers"


"Mummy please let's just go, I don't want to do this with you this early morning"


"I'm very sure it's because of this same attitude of yours, that responsible young man you were dating, decided to leave you for someone else"

"Mummy please don't even go there"

She doesn't even know half of what happened between Adams and I, and here she is trying to put the blame of our breakup on me. Trust my mother to always find a way to make anything that goes wrong my fault.

"Why? Tell me why shouldn't I go there? when you were the one that decided to allow a young man who would have married you, slip through your fingers, all because you have chosen to leave a wayward life"

"Same way you allowed daddy to slip through your fingers? We are cut from the same cloth, don't you think?"