Wild And Stupid

After Louisa told me about the the things she said to my mother three years ago when they met for the first time, I was pissed at her that she insulted my mother.

I cherish and respect my mom so much and I don't tolerate any form of disrespect towards her from anyone.

I love Louisa and her craziness, but it can sometimes be alot, it makes me wonder sometimes the next crazy surprise I'm going to be getting from her past.

But then again this whole event happened three years ago, and she feels remorseful for her actions. I have also done and said things to people in time past which I wish I never said in the first place. We all make mistakes, just that Louisa's mistakes are always constantly knocking air out of my lungs.

When I got back home, my mother was in the living room watching TV with her two feet resting on the couch.

"I thought you said you wanted to rest?" I asked her as I sat down on the chair adjacent to her.