Chapter 35 - Last Day at Tokyo

Third person pov

Later at night, Kiyoshi, his relatives, and Daku are having a delicious dinner time at the dining room. Sakura was further away from Kiyoshi and Daku.

"So, how's your day, Kiyoshi-kun and Daku-kun?" Kiyoshi uncle asked them.

"Well, we're having a great time," Kiyoshi answered back positively while eating, "and we even went shopping for stationery, and I taught Daku-san how to keep a diary."

"Wow, that's good, Kiyoshi-kun," Kiyoshi's uncle replied back with a compliment. "You're like a teacher to him."


Sakura didn't like this, as if she thinks that her father favors Kiyoshi over her. But it's not true at all.

"Kiyoshi-kun was such a nice person to me, Ishizaki-san," Daku said to Kiyoshi's uncle.

"Yes, he's been like this ever since he was young," Kiyoshi's uncle responded with an explanation, "despite our daughter didn't like him at all."

"I see. Well, I apologized for my behavior and intimidation towards her."

"That's alright. That was just nothing, so don't worry about that."


Later, after taking a shower, Kiyoshi was at the guest room writing about his day in his journal while Daku was at the living room laying down on the sofa.

"Man, I hoped this will last for a long time," Kiyoshi thought in his mind while making words with his black, 0.5 mm pen. "Our friendship kept on growing and growing. I really loved this."

After that, he turned off the lamp and lights and went to bed.

The next morning, Kiyoshi and Daku woke up and pack up their bags, before eating breakfast with Kiyoshi's uncle and his family. Later at 8:11 a.m., they left the house with their belongings and went to spend the rest of the morning going around Tokyo as a final farewell because they will be taking a bullet train back to Hiroshima after lunch. They went around Tokyo looking at historical and interesting sites, bought some souvenirs for their friends and coworkers, and, at 12:01 p.m., they had lunch at a sushi restaurant in the city. And at that traditional sushi restaurant, Kiyoshi and Daku are talking about what they will do for the rest of the summer vacation.

"I guess I'll be working, as usual," Daku said to Kiyoshi while eating his sushi. "I had no other plans after this."

"Are you sure, Daku-san?" Kiyoshi responded back. "I mean, me and my friends are camping next week. Do you want to come with us?"

Staring at Kiyoshi for a few seconds in stunning, Daku replied, "I would love to, Kiyoshi-kun."

"Great! That'll be more fun."

"Thanks, Kiyoshi-kun."

After lunch, they grabbed their belongings and went to the train station to take a bullet train back to Hiroshima. And by 1:15 p.m., their bullet train left the station and is heading towards Hiroshima in the west.