Episode 19 : Voyage ( Last Part )


" Are you still leaving, Ishigami-san? " ( Risya )

" Are you so sure?.. "

" We might put our lives at risk. "

To be sure that this episode it will be exciting... I will use this.

" Time System : Clairvoyance "

- The supposed faculty of perceiving things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.

- The probability that your future will come true is about 90% with my Clairvoyance.

- The limitation you see the future is about one day.

- You can use it for about 5 minutes per session and the cooldown is 2 minutes.

I try to see the future, if something bad happens to us...

[ Would you want to see the probability of your future? ]

" Yes "

[ Your future is being played out by the System. ]

Ohh, nothing happened?

Something odd.

My Clairvoyance can see only 1 day and after that I can't see next...

" Risya, stay alert we don't what happen if my clairvoyance vanish to it's time. "

" If you have seen or found something strange in the future? "

" I did not see a single one. "

" What a useless magic! "

" Huh?! , Take back what you said! "

" Ohh of course not. "

" When you say my system is useless, you are saying that Chronohades is useless too. "

" I know, I know, I'm just kidding..."

" Come on, we've been talking for a while, Itsuki readers might get angry. "

" Let's Go! "

As we walked, we got closer and closer to that Village but I still couldn't believe that I still couldn't find anything strange.

" Did you find something odd, Risya? "

It was so late at night, the household lights were turned off so it was very dark.

My body is sweating and feeling hot...

Risya's body was attached to me, because she was afraid of the dark.

I was in front of the walk and Risya was in the back. One of her hands was holding my clothes and his legs were shaking...

" Hey Risya, Do not be too close to me. "

" It's really hot, Hey are you listening? "

" D-Do not tell me, Are you an adult and are you still afraid of the dark? "

" HA-HA what the! "

" You don't have to say it, you already know. Yes I am afraid, what is wrong? "

" Ohh Risya, here we are in the Town. "

" Arrange your self now. "

There is a sign at the entrance of the village...

" Welcome to the Happiest Village? "