Episode 20 : Sleepless Night | Offer ( First Part )


" What is the meaning of this? "

Happiest Village, huh?!

* yawned

I'm sleepy, because of a lot that happened today.

Risya, look a place for us to sleep.

"Looks like I'm going to fall because I'm tired."

* I clung to Risya and she will take care of me.

About a few minutes.

"Wake up, Ishigami-san"

"Here we are."

"Where?" * I said lazily

"It's just the open light house, maybe we can sleep there."

" Look at Risya above the door, there's a sign and named " Oakfall Inn. "

"It means we can sleep there."

"Knock and hurry up ..." * yawned

* Knock knock

She opened the door...

" Ohh, it's open. "

My eyes were tired too, so only one eye opened. I tell my mind to still be observant because something bad might still happen..

When Risya opened the door, an old man came up to us wiping glasses, plates and spoons, forks.

And spoke of-

" Welcome to Oakfall Inn"

"What can I do for you, my lovable guests? "

Hmm, " Lovable Guest? "

It's too awkward to say that, Old Man.

" Hello, Good evening, Can we sleep here? " ( Risya )

" Sure "

" How much per night in a room. Old Man? "

" 3 Bronze Coins "

" Alright, keep the change. "

After Risya's coin exchange. The old man smiled genuine?

The background of the first floor has tables and chairs for the food they serve so the rooms are upstairs...

First Floor ( Restaurant )

Second Floor ( Room )

Me and Risya going upstairs and I saw the old man's name on the left of his plain uniform. His name is Hubertus Rufus.

It looks like this is where the excitement begins...

We are here in our room but -.

I still do not think, that we will lay in a bed with Risya.

Panicked Mode

What me and Risya?

In a bed?

"Hey Ishigami-san, don't think rude things."

"We just have no choice because -."


"My money's gone."

"Huh ?!, What!! , Why did you run out of money, how are we on the next day of our trip?"

Sh*t I raised my voice to her...

" I have no time for such a fight, Ishigami-san. "

" Let's go to sleep, we have a long long way to go tomorrow... "


I stared at the ceiling of the room and my hands rested on my head and still thought...

How this happened, I still could not believe myself that Risya and I were crammed together into the small bed.

" Risya, Are you still awake ? "

" If you are still awake, please answer my question. "

" Why and Where did you lose your money ? "

Owhhh, she didn't answer, it's up to you

" Because it was there earlier when we ran, I was unaware that my pocket was a little hole so that the coins were falling apart while we were taking a risk with the protesters. "

" Idiot, that's not your fault. "

Risya turned her face toward me and said the shocking word that came out of her mouth.

" Because I did something unfortunate. "

" I will leave my self to you."

" Do as you please. "

There is a whispering mix.

" Huh?! "