Episode 13 : Escape & The Outcast (8)


Wynne was sweating profusely even though we had just wet our clothes in the lake so she must not have been that sweaty. The coldness of the water in the lake and also the harsh of the fog in the early dawn.

"Wynne, you've been like that before, what happened to you?" I worriedly question him.

"I have no problem," she replied to me agitated. She wasn't like that before, she always had a fussy attitude towards us, but when we were preparing the equipment to escape, she was like that at that time in my Grandpa's Room.

I approached her, raised my chin to speak, and make eye contact. Wynne burst into tears and her lips trembled. "I'm scared to die because-" I didn't finish her speech, I hugged him tightly and was comforted by the eloquent words. "Yes, I know, we all know that you are all on the brink of death, of course, I am responsible for you all because I invited you. We will escape safely and we will fulfill our dreams together, one day."