Episode 14 : Escape & The Cursed One? (9)


"Everyone, Alicia will make our next plan and she will take over the leadership for a while. She will dictate to us what to do in the escape."

"Is there no objection?"

They all raised their hands.

"Alicia?! Does she know how to plan? It's not about being negative, we're all sure to die if she becomes the leader."

"Let's grateful to Risya because she made the previous plan even not fully successful, the majority still survived."

"For me, I objected to changing the leader." Ellen's answer was straightforward, huh?

Why did they all have an opinion now? Lately, they were almost all silent in making the plan.

Sighed, they're annoying but I'm still thankful that I met them all. If I couldn't have met them, what would my life be like? Still hiding in the huge palace and blind to the doings of those at the top of society?

"Okay, I will make a new succession plan."