Episode 9 : Escape & Miracle (74)


Risya POV

He lets me go out to make friends with commoners. I had a real friend and their number was twelve.

They are John, Marie, Adrian, Ellen, Andrea, Hannah, Karen, Jillian, Celia, Robin, and Wynne. They are all precious to my childhood life.

Before Maestro Alejandro died on the night of my 'special day' (if that battle not happened,) he attended my 5th birthday. The party was simple and gloomy. I was unhappy with the party and still, he was with me even his death knocking on his door, it's depressing but must be accepted to become strong. He gave me a wand as a gift. It's thin and light because it looks like a stick? and this wand is made of wood. But I accepted it contented with all my heart. I can't explain how pleased I feel. I wish we were always together but that day was the last goodbye. He died peacefully and happily. His remains were buried outside of our holy palace in honor of him.
