Episode 10 : Escape & Revenge is a Great Motivation (75)


"Risya! Risya! Risya!" Alicia shouts at Risya that she is shaking her to return her consciousness. For more than a few minutes Risya looked down without saying a word. We were worried because it was as if her soul was not in her body. Her eyes were awake but her mind was asleep. We thought she was empty.

When I looked into her eyes again, it was back to its usual lively presence but she still didn't respond.

"Risya!" I called to her again in a loud tone that might have awakened her sleepy mind.

Many hours have been wasted on her unsuccessful plans but she doing her best to succeed in our escape. I tell her not to think deeply so that she would not be stressed about the situation and she would not have difficulty with our new plan, but she still insists. What a boastful girl.

"Isn't she going to wake up? How are we now?" Ellen's apprehension.