When we arrived at the school, the girl next to me and I got off and went our separate ways. I walked into the school to find all my classes before school started, as my mother had taught me to do, and as I was looking for my algebra class, I ran into someone.A boy who was headed the other direction.
"Oh-Sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you," I said, picking up my books, which had fallen out of my backpack because I forgot to zip it up before I left the house.
"Don't worry about it, I'm fine, are you okay?" he said as he bent down to help me with my books.
"Yeah, thanks."
"Hey, I've never seen you before, are you new here?" he asked, with interest in his voice.
"Uh, yeah, today's my first day," I said.
"Cool, would you like me to show you around? It's very easy to get lost in here," he said as we started walking down the hall.
"I would love that. Hey, I never got your name. What is it?"
"Eric Eaton," the boy said, "You?"
"Stacy Coleman," I said, "Are you a freshman?"
"Yeah, you?"
"Yeah, I am," I answered as I looked at the room numbers to find room 118, my algebra classroom.
"Cool. What room are you looking for?" He asked, noticing me looking at the numbers.
"Room 118, algebra."
"Hey, I have that class! Second period, you?"
"Second. We have that class together!" The bell rang after I said that and I still had to find my English class, room 212. When I finally found it, I saw Eric standing there, waiting to go in. When we went in, the teacher, Mr. Jones, introduced me to the class and asked me to take a seat. I did, and right as I did, we began the assignment for the day. One more class before lunchtime, algebra. After algebra, I went to the cafeteria and sat down with Eric.
⧱ ⧱ ⧱
After algebra, I went to the cafeteria and sat down with Eric at his table with his friends. About halfway through my lunch, the girl from the bus walked up to me and tapped my shoulder.
"Hey, can I talk to you, please?" She asked, sweetly.
"Of course! What do you need to talk about?"
"Um, come over here, please," she asked as if she had a secret she wanted to tell me, but not let the boys hear. I followed her to the hallway, which was empty and silent.
"What is it?" I asked, startling myself with how loud I am in the silent hallway. I looked at her, but I didn't see a smiling, innocent face anymore. Instead, I saw a grimacing, angry face glaring back at me.
"You may be new here and already have fifteen friends, but this is my territory, Stacy Coleman!" That last word felt like a dagger in my gut, just the way she said it, "Don't test me."
"Uh, okay, but, how did you know my name?" I asked unfazed. I've been through this before. I may be able to get a lot of friends easily, but there is always at least one person who doesn't like me.
"We're in the same algebra, idiot. You don't know me, huh? The name's Jessica Globberman. Now get out of my sight." I walked away and back to the lunch table. Right as I got there, the bell rang and my phone buzzed. It was mason.
'Hey, Stace, how are you so far?' I read.
'Pretty good, you?'
'As good as it can be with Mr. Smith as my History teacher.'
'Lol, I miss you'
'I miss you, too'
'Can I come over after school, please?' As soon as I sent the text, the teacher entered the room. I put my phone away and waited for him to introduce me.