My First Encounter With the New Girl-JG

When the bus reached the school, I had finished my baby kangaroo and put it back in my bag. I got off the bus and went to the side of the schools where my friends and I like to hang out. When I got there, I noticed that our friend, Eric, wasn't there, so I went inside to find him. Jason came with me and when we found him, he was with the new girl. I didn't want to barge in and grab him, because I had already started cooking up a plan.

I'm typically not the type of girl who would get mad at someone for meeting one of my friends on their first day, but this girl was hot and I didn't want Eric leaving us to be with her. So, Jason and I went back to our friends and hung out until the bell rang for class. I was going to my History class, when I saw the new girl go into the English room with Eric. After class, I went to my second period algebra and saw the girl and Eric again. The teacher introduced her as Stacy Coleman.

That must be her name, I thought to myself as she sat down, Nice name. Maybe that's why Eric likes her so much.

The bell rings and we all leave the room. I go to the cafeteria and find a seat. I look for Eric and find him with some of his other friends and the new girl. I walk up to herand tap her on the shoulder. I plaster a fake, sweet smile on my face before she turns around.

"Hey, can I talk to you, please?" I asked, sweetly.

"Of course! What do you need to talk about?" She answers, obviously buying my fake innocence trick.

"Um, come over here, please," I said, trying to make her think that I had a secret I didn't want anyone else to hear. She follows me into an unoccupied hallway.

It's so silent here, I think to myself, slowly turning to face her, Perfect.

"What is it?" She asks, startling me by how loud she seems in the hallway. I stop my act and start glaring at her.

"You may be new here and already have fifteen friends, but this is my territory, Stacy Coleman!" I made sure that last word was emphasised. I saw her coil a bit, but instantly recovered.

"Uh, okay, but, how did you know my name?" She asks, completely unfazed, as if that has happened before.

"We're in the same algebra, idiot! You don't know me, huh? The name's Jessica Globberman. Now get out of my sight," I say, and watch her walk away as if nothing happened. Just as I return to the cafeteria, the bell rings and I head to my class. On the way, I see Stacy texting someone on her phone, and think about approaching her. I decide to, so I walk slowly to her.