Moving Closer - They are Back

After buying the wallet he took the escalator to the first floor and headed straight to the "Mystic Vibes" shop

Ray had to finish his business in the shop as he couldn't keep waiting Ethan for long.

As soon as he entered the shop, he saw the same old woman and her granddaughter he had seen before Christmas.

"Hi, my name is Mariam and this is my granddaughter Chloe. How can we help you today? "

Ray immediately suppressed both their auras so that they would not think of attacking him. And without further delay or beating around the bush Ray directly opened up the topic.

"Listen old woman, I am not here to buy anything. Please don't try putting up any act and I want you both to come clean. I just need to know, who are you and why are you here with your granddaughter. I know you are not from here and I don't sense that you have come here to settle down? "

The old woman could feel Ray's dangerous aura suppressing her aura and she felt weak but she didn't want to show that she was scared.

"Listen young man, I don't have to give you an explanation as to why we are here and what we do here. To begin with, we are not obliged to answer anyone. Who are you and what authority do you have to question us ?"

Ray now realised that this old woman was arrogant and would not give up so easily.

The old woman continued "If you don't have anything to buy here, request you to politely get out or I'll call 911"

"Oh Really ! " said Ray in a wicked tone "I'll show you who I am in a little while. But let me see how you will call the police" he tried provoking the old woman.

When the woman moved towards what looked like a telephone, Ray increased his dangerous aura, and with just a thought he held the old woman's neck, he titled it a little and the old woman whimpered in pain. He then lifted her up her in the mid-air just with his thoughts. His eyes had turned blood red. Looking at this scene Chloe her granddaughter shrieked.

He turned to look at the girl while continuing to hold the old woman up in mid-air. The girl got freaked out and shut her mouth. She moved to the corner when she saw how dangerous he had turned. She was shivering and almost in the verge of crying.

He looked back at the old woman and said "Look, it will take me less than a minute to send you to hell, but I am pitying this kid out here. I have not come here to play games with you. If you don't spill out everything in the next two minutes you will see what I am capable of" said Ray.

The old woman came to her senses now and realised that this being, whoever he was, was very powerful and it would be dangerous to mess around with him. But she still hesitated and wasn't ready to give out all the information.

As Ray's grip on her neck was quite tight, she was gasping for air, she started moving her hands and legs to indicate that she would tell him everything.

With this Ray just dropped her down. He had no mercy for arrogant people.

The woman fell and cried in pain from the fall she had. She heard her bones crackling while continuing to gasp for air.

Ray looked at a chair and it just moved on its own swiftly where he was. He sat on it and looked at the old woman and said

"Bark, you obnoxious woman"

The woman was on the floor now shivering. Without wasting much time, she started telling him as she didn't want to see his furry. She still withheld some information.

"They are Back" she said

"Who they? Look you are wasting my time now" and with that he lifted her granddaughter who was sitting in the corner in the mid-air just like how he had done with her. The old woman wasn't expecting Ray to target his granddaughter.

"You better come out clean or else Miss Chloe who is up in the air will not stand a chance when she drops down"

"No, no, no ,no please don't harm her, I'll tell you everything. We are from Zeus and was sent here by the government of Zeus to convey the message to the Supreme One."

"What message?"

"We have been strictly told to convey the message only to the Supreme One"

"Look I have already wasted 10 mins out here. Just spill out the message " Ray was getting angrier by the minute. "You old wimp" he scowled as he tightened his hold around Chloe's neck and she started moving her hands and legs vigorously as she was chocking and would die if his hold around her neck got any tighter. She wished her Grandmom would tell him the message soon, as her little life was struggling to live.

Seeing her granddaughter struggle, she could no longer hold back and told Ray everything she knew.***

Ray brought Chloe down and didn't drop her like how he did to the old woman. Chloe started coughing while she tried to get some air into her lungs. Her face had turned red and was beginning to turn purple.

"I should not see this shop and both of you on earth anymore. If I get to know that you have tried sneaking out here or anywhere on the earth again" there was maliciousness in his tone "I'll hunt you down, wherever you are and will not spare your lives. OUT FROM HERE"

With this he got out of the shop. And while he got out he had a composed look so that people moving around the mall would not notice.

The grandmother and granddaughter duo got up limping and got into the wormhole and disappeared with the shop vanishing behind them.

It was almost 25 minutes he had spent in the mall after he came up and Ray was moving towards the elevator. As soon as he got into the elevator and the doors closed behind him, he re-uttered the transformation spell which transformed him back to his original self.

Once he reached the basement he saw the servicing was complete and Ethan was waiting for him.

He approached the car where Ethan was standing.

"Hey Ethan I am sorry for making you wait. Dad only loves this brand of wallet and they had run out of stock in the shop. So they sent someone to get it from the warehouse and it took quite a bit for that person to get back with this wallet" he uttered before Ethan could question him. Although he knew Ethan would not ask, he did not want Ethan to get a hint in the future.

"No problem at all Ray. They just finished servicing 5 minutes before you reached here. And I was watching them while they were doing their job. I learnt something new today"

Ray smiled at Ethan. He paid the servicing charges and then they got into the car and headed to their next stop the Church.

Once they reached the Church Ray asked Ethan if he wished to pray while he spoke to the person who was in charge of the Administration office of the Church.

Ethan agreed and both off them got off the car. Ray locked the car and went to the office while Ethan went to the Church to pray.

While at the office he did not want to scare the admin like how he did with Mariam and her granddaughter, he was being polite here.

Before entering the office he had uttered the spell to sound proof the room, where he would be talking to the office admin.

"Good evening sir, my name is Ray and I am here to look out for some answers to a question which has been bothering me."

"Yes, Mr. Ray, how can we help you today? You can call me Peter"

"Sure Mr.Peter. You may find my question very silly but I have been restless trying to find the answer to this particular question I have. And I finally felt that it will be good to talk to you and clear my doubts."

"Sure Mr.Ray. No question is a silly question. Please ask."

Ray hesitated for a minute, before finally asking the admin "Mr.Peter, it's been a few years that my parents and I moved to NY. And this is the closest Church for us. But in the last few years I have not seen something like what I saw this Christmas and it occurred for just a few minutes before it disappeared."

Peter seemed to have gotten a little curious now and he bent forward and asked "What did you see Mr.Ray?" to which Ray replied

"I saw a colour changing hallow which changed its colour from green to pink and then back to green on top of the Lords crown in the main prayer hall during the Christmas prayers. I thought it must be some kind of light effect or just my imagination. I did not here anyone speaking about it or may be no one noticed. I just was curious to know if it was some new light effect you put up this year ?"

Now it was turn for Mr.Peter to be surprised. He said no they had not put up anything like that.

"Oh! then it must have been purely my imagination. Thank you so much Mr. Peter. This has now cleared the doubts I had. I'll get going now."

With this Ray got up to leave. Once he was out of office he uttered two spells, one to lift the sound proofing and the other to erase the memory of the admin, of the event which just took place.

Ray went back to the car and saw that Ethan had not returned. He grinned to himself thinking that probably Ethan must be praying to get back his wife's love.

With this he got into the car and continued waiting for Ethan to return.

[To be continued...]


*** This will be revealed in future chapter.