Moving Closer - New Year Party Prep1

[Author's note : The Party Prep chapter was too long. I couldn't skip this chapter so had split up into two chapters. Will be releasing the next chapter in a while]

Ray went back to the car and saw that Ethan had not returned. He grinned to himself thinking that probably Ethan must be praying to get back his wife's love.

With this he got into the car and continued waiting for Ethan to return.

After a while he saw Ethan slowly walking towards the car. He seemed upset over something.

"Bud, you okay?" Ray asked Ethan once he reached the car.

"Hey yup, I am all good. Surprisingly I got a little too emotional while I was praying which seemed little strange. But otherwise I am good"

It was close to 6:30 pm and it was already dark. They both got into the car and started for home.

Rachael was chit chatting with her parents in the portico while Ray and Ethan arrived.

The men after freshening up joined the three of three of them in the portico. They sat up to 9:00 pm continuing to talk. Ethan was happy to be part of this family. He loved his entire time on earth although the only thing he was deprived was the love from his wife.

As per the plan, the three of them had planned to tell Mr & Mrs. Pfeiffer about the surprise party once after the Robot was fine tuned the next day. That would give them at least 2.5 days if they wanted to do any additional preparation.

Like the last time around they had planned to use the backyard. Ray had booked a local party planners who were quite popular. They were to set up for the party a day before the party along with music included as a part of their package.

Although Rachael did not have much work the next day apart from testing the robot if required, Ray and Ethan had to check on the final arrangements for the new year party along with buying the battery for the Robot.

They all finally got up to eat dinner and rest for the day.

Ray after dinner, dropped a mail to Rachael after he went to his room. He was finding it weird. In spite of staying in the same house, he could not talk to his sister directly and had to depend on email.

He opened the app and started drafting the email

"Rache, I checked out that shop in the mall today. It's been taken care of and you need not worry about it. And the hallow ring it must have been the sun light creating the illusion. So chill and don't worry too much. - Ray." He encrypted the mail before sending it to Rachael.

Rachael after dinner, told her mum that she will take care of cleaning the kitchen today, so she could wait for Ray's mail. She had seen Ray going into his room and was awaiting a response from him. She had been waiting for Ray's email since the time she came home and Ray was yet to respond.

Rachael finished the work in the kitchen and went to the hall and sat on the couch. She pulled her phone to see if Ray had responded. She saw Ray's email had arrived just a little after they had finished dinner.

After reading through the mail, she felt Ray was hiding something from her, as he had only mentioned that he had taken care of things and she need not worry. But there was no mention about what had he taken care of.

She did not want to force the answer from Ray. She knew for sure, that something was going to take place on the New Year Eve. Her intuition was very strong now and whatever was to occur she could not escape from it.

She decided to just go with the flow. She let out a sigh and wished if at all the time could stop or slow down may be. She sat there for some more time, her mind had gone blank.

She was tired of the last fight with black forces, she no longer had the strength to endure another one. After a while she got up and went to her room to sleep. Ethan was snoring away to glory. She popped in the ear plugs and hit the bed.

The next day both Ray and Ethan had woken up early before anyone else in the house had. Both of them sat to fine tune the Robot. They also went ahead to add another feature where the Robot would send both Ray and Ethan a message every hour while they were at the party, to their phone at set time to ensure if things were going on smooth.

Ray had sound proofed the room such that his parents did not hear any noise coming out of his room. After testing the robot for few more times, both of them were finally satisfied with both the new feature and the fine tuning part.

The only things that were left was to replace the battery and change the name if required once after their parents had decided on the name.

Ray had requested Rachael to tell their parents about the surprise New Year Party and she had agreed.

After breakfast she requested everyone to gather in the hall. Once everyone were seated, Rachael began

"Mum, Dad we have something to tell you guys"


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