Had he invited only Rachael and not the rest of the family, everyone would doubt him, so he felt this was a better way.
It was close to 6:00 pm. All of them got up and went ahead to get ready for the dinner. While Ray and Ethan were in Ray's car, Rachael hopped on to her parents car. They reached Le Bernardin at around 7:30 pm.
The restaurant was already bubbling with customers. As Ray had pre-booked the table they did not have to wait for the table. He knew how much his sister loved sea food and he had specially booked this restaurant as per her liking and for sure she would love it.
He was right Rachael was delighted and literally went gaga over the food. Ethan was looking at how loving Rachael's family was and how they made each other happy.
Ethan was mentally making notes of what made Rachael happy. He knew that he had not treated her quite well in the last one year while on Zon, due to family pressure. He wanted her to be happy for the rest of her life and decided that he would try all possible ways to keep her happy.
Ethan never knew what it was to to be loved by a family and may be that was something unique to earth. He felt good having loved and accepted by Rachael's family.
After Ray paid the bill they headed home. It was close to 10:30 pm in the night when they finally reached home.
Rachael had started watching a Netflix series to ensure she went to bed late. It was a way to escape from closeness of Ethan. She eventually got addicted to the series.
She waited for all of them including Ray to go to his room. She sent the email and texted him about the email as soon as she saw Ray going towards his room.
Ray was about to close the door of his room and he saw text message of Rachael come through. He opened his mail to check after reading the text asking to check his mail.
Rachael had indirectly mentioned that she couldn't talk to Ray while Ethan was around. She hoped that Ray got a message, to send Ethan back home.
She had intentionally skipped writing about sending Ethan back home in the email but she felt she had given enough clues to Ray.
But there was one thing which Rachael had missed. Most men had to be told directly instead of beating around the bush and hoping they will get it. Ray belonged to this category.
And therefore Ray only knew he had to talk to her privately. He had not picked up the clues which Rachael had left about sending Ethan back to his home.
Ray knew that Rachael was still out in the hall watching Netflix and he wasn't sure if she would see his text message. He went ahead and texted her to come to the guest bedroom so he could to talk to her. He quickly changed and went to the guest room.
Rachael heard the text tone and knew Ray had responded. She opened the message and saw that he had asked her to come to the guest room.
She completed watching the last 5 minutes of the series and let the tv stay on. She got up and walked to the guest room where Ray was waiting for her. He muttered the spell to put a powerful sound proof for the room as soon as she came in.
Once the room was sound proofed Ray gestured Rachael to speak.
"Ray what I am going to say now, you may laugh it off. So before I tell you the actual stuff which I had to say, I'd like to tell you something from the past as I don't recall telling you this incident."
Ray did not doubt his sister. He was keenly listing to what his sister had to say.
"Sure Rache, go ahead."
"If it was before the incident which happened to you while you were 15, I myself would not have believed it.
The day when we went to the fantasy park, just before we left home, I had this strong pull or let me say strong intuition which tried stopping me from going to the park. And I had ignored it.
So what happened next I don't have to tell you as you know it very well."
Rachael looked at Ray and when she saw him listening to her attentively without saying anything she continued
"From the time you booked the tickets for the New Year Party I started getting similar intuitions but this time it did not stop me from going to the party but rather the push was strong to attend the party while I was hesitating to go.
And the shop and the hallow ring I saw only made the intuition stronger. On the day of the party what I saw is something which I don't want to ignore.
All i can say is this time around Ethan's life and my life is in danger"
Ray gasped "Are you sure Sis?"
"Yes, a hundred percent and that's the reason I need your help to confirm my intuition and my doubts."
"What did you see yesterday in the party Sis? "
Rachael hesitated before she replied to Ray.
"Before I say what I saw yesterday I'll need your help to send Ethan back to Zon and find ways to monitor him and the people around him, to pick up anything unusual. I feel the danger may possibly be on Zon, again at the moment I can't tell you for sure.
The other reason is I don't want Ethan to unnecessarily break his head until I am sure of things. So if he his back and if my intuitions are correct based on what I'll be probing, we can ask him to come back here"
Ray seemed to be thinking now but he did not say anything.
Rachael continued "Once he is sent back I'll be able to tell you the rest of the details which I can't tell you now"
Although Ray wanted to know the complete details he did not push Rachael and instead said "Sure Sis, I'll make arrangements to send him back."
"Thanks bro. I knew I could depend on you"
"Anything for you Sis"
With this Rachael said bye to Ray. She got up and walked out of the room to the hall to turn the tv off.
Ray had lifted off the sound proofing and went back to his room thinking on ways to send Ethan back.