Ray had lifted off the sound proofing and went back to his room thinking on ways to send Ethan back.
He was not sure if he could immediately send Ethan back. When Rachael had told that he could go ahead and she will stay back to meet her friends,Ethan had not told responded to her after that.
Was he planning to stay back? Well now that Ray had promised his sister he had no choice but to send him back.
While he lay thinking on his bed, he was thinking of various options. What was that one weakness of Ethan which can be used to send him back?
Just before Rachael had got married, he had made strong ties with the certain government officials on Zeus who were trustworthy. He had got them to check the background of Ethan to make sure his sister would not face any trouble after marriage.
During this check there were some vital information that was uncovered. No matter how much Ethan loved Rachael, for him it was still his step mother and step brother who were his weakness. He would go to any extent for them.
Ray was ok as long as his sister was happy. Also as Rachael was brought to a state where she couldn't marry anyone else but Ethan she had no other choice. It had to be Ethan or she had to stay single all her life.
Her parents were old timers and was not okay with their daughter being single all her life. So Rachael had to get married to Ethan.
Ray had to make use of Ethan's weakness to send him back. Ray wasn't sure how long would Rachael stay back on earth. It depended on whether her intuitions would turn out to be true or false.
And it looked like as long as Rachael stayed back there were high chances of Ethan staying back to be with her.
Ray thought of something but he was not sure if it would work. But there was no harm in trying out. He got up from his bed. Made sure his room was secured and logged on to his laptop.
He opened the browser and typed an address which did not follow the normal web address pattern. It opened up a window asking for his username and password. He typed in the details and it opened up the website after a few seconds. This website had multiple smaller panels.
This website was not from earth but was from Zeus which had been only configured to work on Ray's machine for a temporary time period. The website has multiple panels. Except for the messaging panel, rest of the panels were disabled for security reasons. At present no country is earth had developed the technique to track this particular website. So it was very safe until now.
The government of Zeus had entrusted the Technology team which worked for them to build a unique device for Ray to enable the rest of the features in the website. The build of the device was still in progress.
Until then Ray's laptop was configured to use only the messaging option which was the basic function and the messaging was set up only to communicate with only one person who Ray had chosen.
He mentally calculated the time on Zeus, it must be early morning just after midnight. He just sent a message to the person asking to set up a conference call with Ray and this call had to be kept extremely confident.
Mr.Saskens, when he saw the message the next day, he was a little worried. What made the Supreme send a mail right in the middle of the night.
He set up a virtual conference room around earth time 7:00 am and sent a message to Ray about the time of the meeting along with the address of the virtual conference room.
Ray had requested when Mr.Saskens to set up most of the meetings early his time when he had visited Zeus the last time around. This was so that his parents would not know.
He woke up by 6:00 am in the morning to check his message and he saw that meeting was in an hour. Ray quickly freshened up and changed from nightwear. When it was just 5 mins for the meeting he sound proofed his room and locked his room.
Ray logged into his laptop and clicked the virtual room link and patiently waited for Mr.Saskens to appear in the virtual set up.
When it was time, a blurry image of Mr.Sasken's appeared along with his office background. It took a a few minutes for the image to become less blurry. The final image of Mr.Sasken along with his office looked more or less like a pixelated image due to the interference of earth's atmosphere.
"Hail Supreme One. Your servant is at your disposal. Please command" Mr.Sasken's greeted Ray.
Ray was always amused when someone greeted him that way. He may have been born on Zeus but his parents had moved to earth since the time he had turned one along with his sister to protect him.
He was used to how people addressed him on earth. The way Zeus people greeted him, it was something he had only seen in movies.
In fact he loved the way they greeted him and had not bothered to change the way people from Zeus addressed him.
Ray returned his greetings "Good morning Mr.Saskens. I know you must be surprised with the message I sent you last night asking for an urgent meeting. Well without any delay I'll come straight to the topic."
Except with his family members for outsiders Ray was a person of less words.
"I need your help to put together a small trustworthy team for an urgent and immediate task. The details of the task needs to be kept completely confidential.The team must consist of one or two spies.
Well, this task will directly impact my close family so I hope you will understand how careful you need to be while planning. I'll be giving instructions from background and you will be leading the task from the forefront.
"Roger Supreme One, please tell us the task"
"Now this task needs to be done with utmost care with no names being revealed. You will need to build up a fake story of Zon being invaded and attacked" Ray paused for a minute before proceeding "may be even create a virtual war if required"
"The news of the invasion must reach the Royal family of Zon. When the news reaches them they will ask the Crown Prince Ethan, who is my brother-in-law to get back to Zon, who is currently on Earth.
Once Ethan is back on Zon, your spies have to closely monitor the Royal family and their whereabouts along with monitoring and protecting Ethan. If there are any signs of danger to Ethan's life I'll need to be intimidated immediately"
"Oh Supreme One, the Crown Prince and his wife will be protected and we will give our life's to protect them" said Mr.Saskens to which Ethan replied "It will only be Ethan and not my sister. She will be staying back here on Earth for a while.
Make sure after planning the news reaches the Royal family in one or two days. How the task has to be executed that's something you can take care of, I'll just need the end results.
And yes, I'll need you to report back on a weekly basis unless there is something which needs my immediate attention. Based on the information gathered I'll let you know when the virtual war can end.
Oh! before we end the meeting even Ethan should not be aware of this. Please set up the next meeting exactly from a week from now at the same time"
"Sure,Oh Supreme one" said Mr. Sasken.
With this they ended the meeting.
Ethan had not given any additional details as to why he was doing this. That was not required.