Chapter 26: Graduation

Today is graduation day and I'm so excited to finally be done with high school. I have waited nineteen years for this moment. I'm the oldest one in our group being nineteen, Danny and Jerrico are eighteen, Beth, Brian, and Ariel are seventeen, and Justice is sixteen soon to be seventeen. Of course, Justice isn't graduating with her only being a Junior, but she will be in the stands with the rest of our family.

"Is it weird that I'm nervous," Beth asks.

"Yes, very weird," Brian replies.

"But what if I trip and die or something," she says with a panicked look on her face.

I shake my head at her craziness and put my cap and gown on top of my outfit like the others

Ariel has on a form-fitting white dress that goes down a little past her knees with some black strappy heels. Beth has on a black dress with long sleeves that goes to mid-thigh with some black see-through stockings and she has on some black booties. I'm wearing some pink high-waisted jeans that are sparkly in the front and plain in the back. I have on a black crop-top that meets the top of my jeans and I'm wearing some pink and white high heel wedge max-star sneakers.

Once I have on my cap and gown, we head out. I kiss my babies all over their faces, making them smile, and tell my parents I'll see them later.

We're sitting waiting for the principal to start talking. Our names are in alphabetical order by last name so we're not all together. All the students are in the front by the stage and our families are in the back behind us. I don't know how, but I'm the valedictorian of our senior class, so I have to give a speech.

Principal Heimer finally gets on stage and talks about how proud of us he is and a whole bunch of stuff. A few of our teachers also speak and then I'm called to come on stage. I take a few deep breaths and climb the four stairs to the stage.

"Thank you, Principal Heimer, and good morning class of twenty-twenty and families. I want to start by thanking the teachers and staff for putting up with us these past four years. I want to also thank Mr. Granger for starting the class off with his awful dad jokes because they always made my day," me, as well as everyone else, laugh before I continue.

"To think that we've spent four years of our lives in this place and we're ready to leave it all behind. As most of you know, I spent most of my senior year pregnant, but the fact that I'm up here giving you all this speech should show that even faced with unforeseen circumstances, you can still succeed. If you put your mind to something and try your best, you will like the outcome and the rewards for your efforts. Today, we step into the new chapters of our lives and become adults in the real world. Remember, don't give up on yourself or your dreams no matter what life throws at you."

Everyone claps and I give a little curtsy then I head back to my seat. The salutatorian gives his speech and then it's time for them to hand out diplomas. "Christopher Ray Andreas... Ariel Nicole Cross... Agnes Ernest... Harmony Granger, Raymond Groce... Kierra Anne Kane, Larry Klark, Brianna Krimer... Cherry D. Mitchell, Mardrianna Skylar Munrowe... Opal Rayne Price, Dylan Prince... Jerrico T. Ramirez, Eugene Reiss, Claira S. Robberts, Daniel Roberts... Trevor Teeks, Freya Tryes... Bethany Marie White, Brian M. White, Grace L. Write..." Principal Heimer goes through all one hundred students' names and then he congratulates us all. A few people throw their caps in the air, cheering but my friends and I don't because we don't want to lose ours.

Everyone goes to find their families and we go outside to meet ours by our cars.

"Congrats kids," Lisa, Jerrico's mom, says.

"Thanks," we say at the same time.

I immediately go over to my babies, who are two months old. I pick up Jaxon and pepper his face with kisses, making him smile and coo. He grabs for my hair and pulls on a few strands making me wince. Danny goes over to his dad and grabs Mea, making funny faces at her which makes her smile. We all pile into our cars and agree to meet up at Olive Garden. We were able to make a reservation because of our large party.

"I can't believe our babies are all grown up," Courtney, Ariel's mom, says wiping away fake tears. Ariel rolls her eyes at her mom saying, "It's not that serious mom." We all laugh at them and dig into our food once it's brought to our tables. The babies are in their car seats sleeping while we're all eating and chatting.

"Now that you guys are done with school, we can focus on this wedding," my mom says with so much excitement.

"I don't even want to think about how much this is going to cost," my dad says with a groan.

I laugh and say, "It'll only cost a few hundred thousand dollars."

He sputters and everyone laughs at him.

"Are you sure I can't help out at all," Pat asks my parents.

"We've got plenty of money and nothing to do with it, so we can handle it," my mom tells him. He smiles at her and nods his head.

"I still can't believe you're about to get married! You guys are honestly perfect for each other," Beth gushes.

"I'd like to think so too," Danny says, pulling me into a side hug and kissing my temple.

"I love you," I whisper to him, kissing him on the cheek.

"I love you more," he whispers back.

"You guys are just the cutest," Brian says in a girly voice, making everyone laugh at him.

The twins wake up, so Danny and I take them out to the car so that I can feed them and he can change them.

"You ready for this next chapter in our lives," he asks me as we stare down at them as they fall back asleep.

"With you and these little guys by my side, I'm ready for anything," I tell him grabbing the back of his head and pulling him in for a deep and passionate kiss.