Chapter 28: Getting Ready

It's happening, oh god, I think I'm going to throw up. I'm currently having a mental break down and the girls are trying to calm me down.

"What if he decides he doesn't want to be a dad anymore and leaves me at the altar or what if we have an earthquake and everything is ruined or what if-," I'm cut off by Ariel slapping me across the face.

"Get it together woman," she yells at me.

I look at her shocked that she just slapped me, but at least it snapped me out of it.

"I want to yell at you for slapping me but I'll just settle on thanking you for stopping my freak out," I tell her with narrowed eyes.

She just gives me a smug look, to which I roll my eyes at her.

"Now that that's over can we do your hair and makeup," Justice asks me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I think I'm good now," I tell them, going to sit down in the spinny chair.

Beth does my eye makeup and eyebrows, Justice does my foundation, blush, and lips, and Ariel will be doing my hair. They get started, switching positions when needed. Beth gives me winged eyeliner and just puts mascara on my eyelashes as they are already long and thick. For my eyeshadow, she gives me a kind of ombre look on my top and bottom lids. It starts off dark blue at the outer corner of my eye and gets lighter ending with a shimmering white. Justice puts foundation around my whole face and gives me rose gold blush and a matte lip. Ariel gives me loose wavy curls and sprinkles fake show throughout my hair. A thin diamond headband that attaches to a veil is placed on top of my head. I got my nails done a couple of nights ago and thankfully they haven't been messed up. They are done in a similar style as my eye makeup with my nail starting from dark blue and ending with white at the tips, which go a little past my finger as I don't want them too long where I accidentally cut the babies. The ends also have tiny diamond snowflakes around the edge.

Next, they help me into my dress. We go from the bottom so we don't mess up my hair and makeup. Once it's secured into place, they hold the bottom up so that I can step into my shoes. I look at myself in the mirror and gasp. This can't be me, I look so beautiful. I throw my arms around the girls and thank them profusely.

"Now time for you guys to get ready," I tell them and then turn to Jane, who has been sitting in the corner coloring. "You too Janie."

She perks up and runs over to me. "I can't wait to put on my dress!"

The girls' bridesmaid dresses are made of silk fabric and are a blueish-grey color. They are high in the front and low in the back. There is a belt that rests right under the breasts that connects the top and bottom of the dress. There is silk fabric that goes from both shoulders and meets at the belt, making a crisscross across both breasts and the short sleeves have a lace fabric. I asked Justice to be my maid of honor as she has been a big part of the group these last few months and I want to show my appreciation to her. Her dress is slightly different in that her dress goes all the way down in the front and the back. They have on heels that have a thin strap that goes across the ankle and a thin strap that goes across the middle of their toes. Their hair is all in a half up half down doo with the ends curled and their makeup consists of shimmery light bluish-white eyeshadow and rose gold matte lipstick. Their nails are painted the same color as their eyeshadow.

Jane's dress is a silk fabric on top and chiffon fabric on the bottom with multiple layers. There is a bluish-white silk belt around the midriff that has a silver snowflake in the middle. The bottom of the dress has silver snowflakes going around the whole perimeter. Over the top of the dress is a shimmery whiteish-blue cotton short jacket type thing. She has the same hairstyle as the others but she has a crown with white flowers and silver snowflakes. We only put some rose gold lipgloss on her lips for makeup and painted her nails the same color as her jacket thingy.

"Oh look at my beautiful babies," my mom says when she and my dad walk into the room.

"You girls look absolutely stunning," my dad says with tears in his eyes.

"Don't you dare cry, daddy. If you cry then I'll cry and then I'll mess up my makeup," I tell him, my tone watery.

He takes a minute to compose himself while my mom comes over and carefully hugs me. Once he has gotten himself together, he comes over and joins in our hug, and Jane, feeling left out, joined in as well.


*Danny POV*

"She's not gonna pull a runaway bride thing on me is she," I ask Rico as he helps me fix my tie.

"Dude that girl is so in love with you, she is definitely not going anywhere. Besides, she's probably freaking out a whole lot more than you are right now," he tells me.

Jerrico and I met in preschool. We were at recess and he had fallen from the monkey bars and was crying. I went over to him and helped him up. I told him to stop being a wimp and we have been friends ever since. He went to a different school than me in the fifth grade and introduced me to Brian. My mom had gotten sick then and I didn't hang out with them much and then I transferred to the same school as them in the sixth grade after begging my parents. I met the girls when I went to Brian's for the first time and everything was great because my mom was in remission, but then a few years later she got really sick again and died. Jerrico was with me through the good and bad times, so I decided to make him my best man, while Brian and Seth are my groomsmen.

We were able to pick out decent tuxes with the help of Mardrianna's mom. My suit top and bottom is a dark blue color, my vest is a light blue color, and my dress shirt, as well as my tie, are white. I also have on black dress shoes and my hair is in a pompadour style. Jerrico has on a dark grey suit top and bottom with a white vest and tie. His dress shirt is a light grey color and his dress shoes are black. His hair is done in a quiff style. Brian and Seth have on light grey suit tops and bottoms, dark grey dress shirts, and white vests and ties. Their dress shoes are also black. Brian has a blowout style while Seth has a mid fade style. Little Greg has on a dark blue suit top and bottom with a dark blue vest underneath. He has on a light blue dress shirt and a white bowtie.

Mardrianna's mom comes in and says, "It's time to head to the altar. Oh, don't you guys look handsome!"

Greg runs up to her and hugs her legs saying, "Hi mommy, I look just like the guys!"

"You look very cute baby," she tells him, squatting down and kissing him on the cheek. This makes me miss my mom so much. I'm sad that she can't be here today.

I take a deep breath and say, "Let's do this!"