Chapter 30: Reception

The girls and I meet up with everyone again and we take a few more pictures. Once we're done, everyone but me and Danny, head inside the tent. We wait for our queue, signaling that we can walk in.

"Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roberts," Danny takes my hand and we walk in together, everyone cheering and clapping. I blush while we head to the table reserved for the bride, groom, and wedding party. I look around the room in amazement. There are fairy lights and fake snowflakes hung from the tent ceiling. I also see fake white trees at each corner of the room with crystals hanging off of them. The place settings consist of glass balls with fake candles inside them. The tablecloths alternate between rose gold, silver, light blue, dark blue, and white. The plates, bowls, cups, and silverware are dark and light blue, while the napkins are rose gold. There are also clear balloons with fake snow inside of them floating around the room.

A few people come and congratulate us on our marriage until it is time for dinner. They are serving all kinds of food from different cultures around the world, such as Mongolian barbeque and Filipino food. We eat and laugh and a few more people come up to congratulate us. My mom goes up to the makeshift stage and gets everyone's attention by tapping a knife against the champagne glass in her hand.

"If I could have everyone's attention," she taps on the glass until everyone is silent. "Thank you! Now, it is time for toasts from the maid of honor and the best man!"

Jerrico decides that he wants to go first.

"Oh god, this should be good," Danny says with sarcasm, making me giggle.

"Hi everyone, I'm Jerrico, the best man. I have no idea what I'm supposed to say so I'm just going to wing it," he starts, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Danny and I have been best friends since diapers and we have gone through so much together. I was there for him when he lost his mom and I was there for him when he met Anna. We have been through thick and thin and we're still friends to this day. Danny and Anna have been destined for each other since the very beginning and they will continue to be perfect for each other more and more as the days go on. Danny, I love you man and I will always be here for you whenever you need me. Whether it be to get away from your nagging wife or rowdy kids," he gives me a wink and I glare at him while Danny laughs, pulling me closer to him and kissing my temple. "To Danny and Anna! May their love prosper forever."

Everyone cheers as he takes his seat next to Danny and I reach over to punch his arm, making everyone laugh while he pouts and rubs his arm. Justice gets up and goes to the stage to give her toast.

"Well, I guess it's my turn. I'm Justice, the maid of honor and I have a lot to say about Danny and Anna" she starts. "I met Danny and Anna at a prenatal class and they were so helpful. I was scared, alone, and didn't know what I was going to do. They introduced me to their group of friends and I was immediately welcomed with open arms. I went from having no one, besides my grandparents, to having a whole army of people I could turn to. They helped me with deciding to let Seth back into my life and I don't know what I would do without them. Watching their love makes me hopeful for the future and I couldn't imagine anyone more perfect for them both beside themselves. I know that they have a beautiful future ahead of them and I can't wait to be apart of it all. I love you guys and hope your relationship is prosperous and beautiful."

Everyone cheers for her and she comes to sit back down next to me. I hug her and tell her that I loved her speech. Everyone chats for a little longer before my mom makes her way back to the stage to make another announcement.

"It is now time for the father-daughter dance," she says.

I get up and meet my dad on the dance floor. The floor has a glittery silver tile and there is wisteria glittered all over the floor. The song "Father's Eyes" by Amy Grant comes on and we sway to the music, him twirling me every once in a while which makes me giggle.

"I love to see you so happy sweetie," he tells me, holding me to his chest. "You've grown into such a beautiful woman and I'm so proud of how much you've stepped up as a mother."

My eyes tear up and I bury my face in his chest.

"I love you, daddy," I tell him.

"I love you too baby girl," he replies, pulling me closer to him.

When the song is over my mom goes back up to the stage.

"Let's give it up for that wonderful and emotional dance," she says making everyone clap and cheer. "Now, it's time for the first dance for the couple as husband and wife."

My dad leaves the dance floor and Danny takes his place. He pulls me close as the song "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran begins to play.

"How was today for you? Was it everything you wanted," he asks me as we dance around the floor.

"It was everything and more," I tell him. "I love you so much and I am so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you and our family."

"I love you more and I'm excited to grow old with you and watch our family grow," he tells me, leaning down to kiss me and then spin me out and bring me back in.

"No more kids anytime soon mister," I tut at him and he laughs.

"Of course not! The two we have now are enough to keep us busy for the next few years," he replies to which I say, "Good."

After the song ends, another song starts and our wedding party joins us on the floor, which makes others join as well. A few songs play until my mother gets back on stage to make another announcement.

"Okay everyone, it's time for the bouquet and garter toss. If everyone could make a space on the floor so that we can proceed," she says waiting for everyone to make a space. "We're gonna start with the bouquet toss!"

All the unmarried ladies excitedly make their way to the edge of the crowd, forming a cluster. I grab the bouquet which consists of pink roses, blue heliotropes, and white roses. I angle myself in the middle of the crowd, turn my back, and throw the bouquet behind me. I hear rustling and I turn to see all the ladies shoving one another to grab at it, but it lands perfectly in Justice's hands. She looks at Seth and they blush at the same time. After all the pushing and shoving, everyone still cheers loudly for her.

I smile at her and my mom announces the garter toss. This part is going to be so awkward. I go sit down in the chair placed in the middle of the floor and Danny comes to stand in front of me. I have on two garters, one that is going to be tossed to the crowd of men gathered and one for me to keep. The song "Hot in Herre" by Nelly begins to play and Danny does a sexy dance around me making everyone cheer. I feel my face start to burn red and Danny gives me a smirk, dropping into the dolphin dive in front of me, making my jaw drop and the crowd cheer louder.

He kneels before me and pulls my dress up above the garter on my left leg. He then uses his teeth to pull the garter down my leg and off my foot. I'm all hot and bothered by this point, my heart pounding in my chest. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself, while he readies himself to throw the garter to the crowd of men. He gives me a wink and then tosses it right onto Brian's head. It bounces off and lands in his hands. He looks around dumbfounded and his eyes meet Ariel's, her giving him a wink.

I stand up and Danny comes over and kisses me as everyone goes back to chatting and dancing. We go spend some time with Jax and Mea before it's time to cut the cake.

The cake has a base with white fondant and a dark blue ribbon on the very bottom. The middle is a glittery silver with pearls all around it. The top has white fondant with a dark blue ribbon with a bow that connects to the middle piece. My mom took the top part of the cake off for us to save for our wedding anniversary. There are also other desserts like cake pops and cupcakes that are surrounding the cake on the table. Danny and I each cut a piece of cake and feed each other, smearing cake all over our faces, making us laugh at each other. The photographer continues to take pictures and I hear a click as we kiss with cake all over our faces.

Some people go home or to their hotel rooms after this, while others stay and hang around for a little bit longer. We say our farewells and then head back into the house, waiting for everyone to come and join us.

"How was your special day honey," my mom asks, coming over and hugging me.

"It was amazing," I tell her then I turn to everyone and say, "Thank you for everything!"

"The day isn't over yet," Pat says.

"We have a special surprise for you guys," my dad says.

Everyone, besides our parents, look at each other in confusion.