The forest was a lot denser than I had expected. I should have worn a belt. These darn jeans are dropping like I'm carrying fifty pound weights in them.
Sarah chugged through the brush. She didn't have to.
Stopping where I was, I unharnessed one of my powers and focused very hard.
Slowly the brush parted a path for us to walk through so we could attempt to accomplish her extreme test that she had set for me.
Squirrels, rabbits, even snakes scattered as their hiding spots were removed from the ground and set aside.
I took a breather, using some powers takes the energy out of me.
Sarah turned back and frowned at me, "Cheater! No more powers until its time! Silly boy."
The wind carried all the brush and dirt through the air, a whirlwind of filth that I had created without even touching it. Even I was amazed at its glory.
Continuing to follow Sarah, "Where is this great test you have for me? You want to just play in a fort or something instead?"
Sarah could sense I was growing tired and rushed me deeper into the woods.
Suddenly, the test appeared. It was an old cabin.
The cabin was broken down and falling apart but it was still one solid structure.
She turned and grinned, her blonde hair almost covering her eyes, "This is the ultimate test. Just give me a second."
It was a wooden cabin, how hard could it be for someone as equipped as I was to do whatever she was thinking.
To my surprise, Sarah climbed inside the cabin and shouted from the window, "Alright Superboy Ethan, lift me up and put me in the tallest tree in this forest!"
I had never done something like this before, not with a living person inside.
Hesitating I shook my head but Sarah would not stop, "Come on! You're Superboy! Just do it. If I fall out you'll catch me Ethan, I know it."
I put in my headphones and turned on my favorite My Chemical Romance song. I had to really concentrate for this one.
Raising my head and my right hand, I began to lift the cabin. Raccoons and more snakes scurried off to find another safe harbor.
The cabin lifted slowly as Sarah screamed with delight.
She was pointing up and to the right, the tallest tree.
Sensing a slight loss in abilities I turned up the volume and raised my left hand. The ground around me sunk in a few inches, giving way to my might.
Slowly tracing the landscape to avoid the other trees, I raised that cabin all the way up to the tallest tree where it rested on eight sturdy branches.
I relaxed for now and regained my strength. Using my abilities I lashed the cabin with smaller tree branches to the main branches so it would not fall to the ground.
Now, Sarah had to get down.
"The harder the task, the more important concentration becomes."