
Chapter 9

Sarah's Mother opened the door. She was quickly pushed aside by three men in all black wearing silver badges and carrying odd looking contraptions made of metal and energized by electricity.

Seeing Sarah's other in danger I jumped to my feet, levitated over to the men and held out both hands. They were frozen in place and could only speak.

The one with the mustache, the leader I assumed yelled out, "Ethan Anderson, you're Dad called us! You're coming with us one way or the other!"

Sarah had taken up a position in front of me, "The hell he is. Watch this. Do the thing Ethan."

She smiled at me; there was no fear in her. I raised my right hand and grouped the three men together and held them in the air.

While they were tightly grouped and floating I summoned some rope from the boat across the street and wrapped them very tightly. Their hands, waists, and feet were bound all by the wave of my hands.

Sarah grabbed her Mother as I placed the men in the coat closet and sealed it shut by pulling the floor molding from the living room and nailing it to the door sill, all with my mind.

We ran outside to the family's car. I scanned Sarah's Mother and could see she had suffered a broken arm. Her heart rate and blood pressure were well beyond normal human parameters.

Sarah tended to her Mother as she climbed into the driver's seat. I jumped in the back and placed my hand on Sarah Mother's shoulder. Using all the energy I had left I focused very hard on her broken arm.

She began to scream in pain, "Stop, what are you doing to me! The pain is so much worse!"

Sarah whispered to her Mother, "Be calm, Ethan is special. I've been telling you this. Watch what he can do now."

Slowly but surely her broken arm fused back together and the pain was gone.

As she drove us to a place unknown, "Ethan, you are a very gifted child. I will protect you and take care of you for as long as it is needed. Thank you for saving my Sarah. We'll figure this out honey."

Overwhelmed with emotion, I began to cry, green again of course. No one, not since my Mom, had spoken to me like that. It felt good to be part of a family again.

Sarah looked back to me with a loving smile on her face, "Superboy, just sit tight. My Mother is CIA, it is her job to hide people and blend in even in the smallest of crowds. You're finally safe."

Knowing I was with a CIA agent and my best friend, my mind was at ease and my energy was recharging quickly.

Now, how would we deal with my Dad and all the problems he brings with him?

He would look for me. He always had a way to find me, no matter where I was.

"Using your abilities for bad would result in very bad things happening to you."