Chapter 2.

Had been away from people for a long time, I got used to only talking to those closest to me and not even bothering to talk to the others. So having Derek in front of me was strange, his crooked smile was hard to decipher, maybe it was his kind smile.

The white color of his hair like mine in another time would have been a great coincidence. Not now, all those blonde people they experimented with had that hair color. On the other hand, it was the only aspect she shared with him physically.

The fact that he will only look at me was uncomfortable, my body was tense and I didn't know whether to look away or not, I never felt so insecure, but under his gaze ... Everything was so strange, the type of his gaze, squinting with one eyebrow only slightly higher than the other.

I was speechless, out of breath ...

My right thumb and index finger pinch the fabric of my pants to train, like a tic that I have developed in a matter of seconds, since if I stopped doing it I would feel even more uncomfortable. My body was shaking slightly, I wanted to hide under covers and hug my legs.

All my movements were voluntary. Breathing, blinking ...

"Was I supposed to end the silence?" His words melted all tension.

He laughed, and I could breathe, tilted his head back without finishing laughing. I pulled my shoulders back causing the bones to finally snap into place.

He looked at me for a second and then to the side, then he sat up.

I was aware of what Derek had done, he made a horrible tension in seconds, and he undone it in a moment when I wanted to.

He was smiling, his hands were in his lap and he beckoned me to sit on the ground with him.

Any trace of his old features were gone, now it was pure kindness, with fun.

He always smiled. That was clear.

-Silence? That was pure tension ... and not the good kind.- He made a face at what I said, but immediately smiled again.

-Sorry. You are not the first person to go through this.- He was looking at their clasped hands, and his thumbs making a little fight.- It's just that I don't notice.

He looked up, his sky blue almost gray eyes were beautiful. I smiled kindly, nothing compared to his smile.

-It's just that I don't know how to deal with people, you know? I live alone. I never leave home.

I understood it. Well, surely not. I from time to time I go out, I had Lucy and Artemis. Also, we never finished understanding things until we lived it.

-Well, I don't talk to many people either. With my family from time to time, and with them. - I bow my head and immediately return it to the correct position, gesturing to Artemis and Lucy.

Derek nods.

-They have been friends for many years, haven't they? I mean, to build a kingdom with two other souls ...- I smiled when she said souls.

I hesitate how to say it, the short or long story? , But in the end, I opted for the short version. Someday he would find out the details, probably not from me.

-Well, three years ago in the experiments when we were laboratory rats, we met, escaped, traveled, and made a kingdom.

He nodded.

─I heard about you, that day I also escaped. Among the pile.- He smile like remembering everything.

We talked about nothing and everything, he told me that he lost his family, he did not say how, of course I did not ask either, I told him about my brother a year younger, Gabe, that before all my life was normal, a few arguments and misunderstandings but it was everything.

That before, my life didn't have much meaning.

-And? Do you think you are ready to get pregnant? - he said it kindly. There was a gleam of concern in her eyes.

-Are you ready to be a father?


-Is anyone ready?

-Why do we answer one question with another?

He becomes serious, as if he will think about it. It looked good.

-Why not do it? -Then I laugh.

I laughed.

We would probably be good parents.


Dinner time arrived, a full buffet was ahead of us, the boys were on the other side of the table, leaving a chair between person ... Or animal.

First Auden, then Derek, and finally Anton.

In order not to feel uncomfortable, we sat in front of our respective partners.

Artemis and Anton got along well, they made dark jokes that only the other understood, they were in their own bubble. Lucy and Auden were a strange relationship, she was looking at Auden with a frown trying to decipher it and he just rolled his eyes and told her not to do it anymore. Surprising as it was, she wasn't uncomfortable with it, she just didn't care and said, 'I think that's the way he is.' Auden hadn't spoken to anyone but Anton, and only a few words. I don't talk to Lucy much either.

It was clear that our relationships with these guys were just weird.

Why they weren't natural. If not, created, and forced.

-Listen. I think we should set a deadline. -Surprisingly, it was Artemis who proposed it.

An awkward silence for everyone - except for Artemis and Derek of course - was in the air, we had stopped chewing, and a few seconds later we were back to normal.

-A month? - Lucy offered.

We all agreed. And we continue dinner with that in mind.

At least, it was like that for me.

One month.
