Chapter 8: World War, and the one I adore

I lived a privileged life at the beginning of this one, it was a peaceful start with a military family in America. My father expected me to follow in his footsteps. Many people lectured him on this, being that by the time I turned eighteen in 1940 the world had already been lost in another conflict. My father believed that America would not join the war this time, and I would be okay.

I knew the will of man; I knew I would fight in this war too someday. I enlisted the day I could and made my father proud. My parents were good people and lived a very decent life, my mother was a saint, she raised all of us kids and taught us how to be good people. My father taught us how to be tough, I was always a natural in all he taught me. He favored me for this. A year had gone by after I enlisted, I was serving on a base in Hawaii. It started as just another morning, many of us only hours into our day. I was walking along the docks when I saw them, dozens of planes soaring through the skies right to us. We sounded the alarms, but it was too late. The planes devastated the fleets of American ships, we rushed to them as fast as we could, machine guns blazed upon us from the skies. I kept running as I saw so many soldiers drop around me from the gunfire in the skies, the ships continuing to explode in the oceans. I jumped in a rescue boat and took off to the ships, a plane came soaring to me, firing at me, I jumped overboard and swam back to the shore. I grabbed another boat and went to the men in the seas, we finally had begun firing back, giving the Japanese the fight of their lives, our planes roared through the skies as the American men and woman cheered for their saviors, I pulled as many sailors as I could from the ocean surrounding the sinking ships. The Americans fought back bravely, the enemy began crashing their planes into other boats, killing themselves in a final act of carnage. Death had a hold over many countries now, the reptilians still pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

Thousands died in this attack and America joined the war. I stormed the beaches of Normandy, killing all Nazis in my way. It took a lot of patience and skill to kill in this war. I threw a few grenades in a pit near me killing Nazis bunkered down in it. One of them was unfortunately a field medic. I took the medics' clothing and infiltrated their ranks, making my way to an evacuation hospital. I stowed away on a cargo plane headed back to Germany. We landed on a German base near Berlin. There I found a high-ranking German officer. I kidnapped him and threatened to torture him, he broke immediately, and I got the information out of the Nazi. He told me where I could find Hitler. I killed him and took his uniform. I boarded a small German vessel and I kept my head down, till a few Nazi soldiers began to question my presence on the boat. I quietly killed them and then every Nazi aboard and drove it towards the shore. Another Nazi boat was coming directly to me, at the last second, I turned the boat right into their direction and jumped overboard as it crashed into them blowing up in the process. I swam to shore and found a truck; I drove it straight to where Hitler was supposed to be. I killed a few guards at the gates of the fortress. I took their uniforms which allowed me to enter the base without question, I walked into the room Hitler was in, locking the door behind me. Four armed Nazis covered the corners of the room and three tall Nazi generals stood behind Hitler as they looked down at a map.

They all looked up at me, staring at me in confusion for a second until Hitler spoke to me in German,

"Wer bist du? Was wilst du?"

Meaning, who are you? What do you want?

The largest general placed his arm across Hitler's chest, pulling him back, the other two stepped forward in front of him. All four guards raised their weapons to me, it was on, they knew!

Just then, two of the generals shifted into twelve-foot-tall reptilians, these were big ones. They screeched loudly at me, then everyone in the room besides Hitler changed into reptilians. I pulled two grenades out I had stashed on me and ran to the dresser next to the wall, I pulled the pins from the grenades with my teeth, the reptilians tried to fire on me as I ran, the ceilings were high enough for me to jump up on the dresser and backflip off it into the air, throwing the two grenades as the guards missed every shot fired at me. The grenades landed in each corner of two of the reptilian guards, I landed on the ground as they blew up behind me, blasting holes out of the building's walls, killing the two reptilians. I immediately dashed to my left, trying to outrun the gunfire shot at me. I ran to a corner wall and used it to leap in the air, round housing kicking the third reptilian guard in the corner, it was a direct hook to the face; snatching its gun from its grasp as I landed. I fired a few shots into its head, splattering the walls with bits and pieces of its brains and skull, the fourth one threw down its gun in frustration. I could hear the Nazi's footsteps as they began stomping through the halls, they kicked in the door, I began firing as the Nazis burst through the door, I pulled my last grenade from my waist, and tossed it out into the halls with the nazis'. It detonated, crippling the Nazi reinforcement. Four reptilians were now all that was left, three charged at me, I charged back, I pulled both my tactical blades out and I slid underneath there strikes straight underneath the legs of the middle one, slicing its feet, immobilizing it. I sprung up behind them quickly, plunging my blade into the side of the injured one's neck it dropped down and bled out. I turned to the other one and began punching it several times while dodging the third one's incoming attacks. I pulled out my pistol and unloaded it into the second one's lungs, it laid there choking in its blood. The third slashed his sword over me, I felt it coming and ducked just in time as it swiped across my hair. I was spinning out of the way, the reptilian swung again as I dodged it quickly one more time, I sidestepped to it in my dodge and I stabbed him in the ribs over and over again, it tried to grab me as I shoved my dagger into its arm, it dropped its weapon holding The gash closed, I picked up its weapon and threw my dagger right at the reptilian puncturing it through the eyes, it dropped dead. The reptilian who guarded Hitler pulled two plasma sabers from its back, it came at me swinging its swords vigorously as I dodged each swing of its blades. I grabbed its arm and felt a surge of power flow through me, I snapped it in two by striking its elbow with my palm. I picked up the sword it dropped and began stabbing it right through the gut with it. It continued to swing at me, with its last sword. I managed to dodge most of its attacks till I had an opening and pulled the sword from its gut. I sliced its leg off, it fell to the ground as I stabbed the sword into its face, leaving it there, pinned into the floor. I started walking to Hitler as I reloaded my pistol. I walked slowly to the cowardly man. He backed away in fear of me, nervously mumbling in German.

Black vapor began emitting from his eyes and mouth, till it flowed out consistently. Hitler stopped backing up in fear and now walked towards me with haste, I raised my pistol as it walked up to me, placing Hitler's forehead on the barrel of the gun, it spoke in a sinister tone as it walked to me saying.

"You are becoming quite the nuisance, sad warrior of the light, tell me, why do you fight for life so hard. You see what it is, it's an abomination!"

I did not answer it, I wanted to pull the trigger right there, it was as if something was holding my finger back, wanting to hear what it had to say, it began to speak more sternly,

"You will not win this one, death cannot be stopped, Existence must end, the universe will be set again as it was!"

"You're right, it will be."

I said as I blew Hitler's brains all over the room. The black smog dissipating in the air

I was pretty banged up from my fight with the reptilians when the allied troops stormed the grounds, I stripped the german uniform before they got there, I was in only boxers. I tied a rope around my legs, the hands were tricky to tie together but I managed by using my teeth. The allied troops stormed in, I told them all a ridiculous story of what happened, and they were in disbelief. It was not the first time the allied troops cleaned up and hid the reptilian bodies from the rest of the world. I was shipped to an allied hospital where I was held for questioning while I recovered. I had stopped the reptilians again. They were running out of options.

I knew they weren't done, but they at least were done for now.

A nurse came to me most days and cleaned me up and told me of the men she treated from the war. She had helped save many lives; she was very energetic. Her energy lit up the whole room. I thought to myself in a room filled with death and pain. How could someone be so cheerful? She bent down to reach over me to check my vitals one day, just as she had many times before. On this day, I finally saw it, a necklace she wore with our insignia attached. It had been lifetimes since I had seen her, I grabbed the necklace as it fell out of her shirt. She smacked my hand lightly and pulled it back, stuffing it away.

"Hands to yourself, soldier" she scolded me

Her eyes locked with mine. Those big, beautiful green-blue eyes. The one thing about her that seemed to never change. I knew it was her, there was no doubt.

I put my hands and fingers together to make a triangle and looked at her through it.

"I found you" I managed to croak out.

She teared up and threw her arms around me, as she held on to me, my body tingled everywhere, an overwhelming sensation of peace surrounding my mind. Her embrace made time stand still.

"I've missed you, love," I said to her.

She pulled back off me, pulling her hands up to my face, holding my cheeks in both hands as she pulled me closer, touching our foreheads together.

"I thought I would never find you again; I tried so hard in every life." She said trying to hold back her tears.

"I'm here now, and I'm not letting you go this time, I promise," I said, still staring into her beautiful eyes.

Everyone around us looked in shock. What was a nurse doing acting in such a manner with a soldier? They all seemed very confused. We quickly read the room and pulled ourselves together.

"I have to get to the other patients; I'll be back I swear it. Rest now" she said wiping the drops tears swelling in her eyes. She began walking away, taking one final look at me with a smile that could light up a whole room.

I watched her walking away, thinking,

"Damn, I just let her go already, I suck at promises."

I grinned, laying back down staring at the ceiling chuckling at my dumb joke.

It had been so long since the last time I laughed. I spent a lot of time recovering and under investigation by the military. I was eventually sworn to secrecy and released, claiming how I witnessed the creatures kill everyone in that room. I told them I was captured in Normandy and was going to be sacrificed to the creatures when they all turned on each other. They had a lot of questions, and I had a lot of answers to evade what I did or how I got there. America was left to clean up my mess.

When I left the hospital, I went straight to where Tiamat told me to find her when I was released. A small house near the hospital, as I approached her home, her door flew open as she ran to me, jumping into my arms, we spun around on the sidewalk as I held her close, her arms wrapped around my neck, her embrace tingled through every point of my body, her touch made the hair on my body stand like static. She looked into my eyes, I saw the beauty in her love, I saw the memories of our lives together, I saw the pain we shared, caught up in this endless cycle of rebirth. Her lips pressed to mine, the weight of the world lifted from my shoulders, I lifted her legs to wrap around me and carried her back inside. I closed the door and we fell on the floor as she passionately held my face kissing me, she began laughing as we rolled around on the ground kissing each other all over, she stood up and took off her shirt, smiling, biting her lip, signaling me with her finger to come closer. I got up and grabbed her by the waist as I began to kiss her neck, she rubbed her fingers through my hair as she exhaled softly, she pushed me off her, I stumbled back, she pushed me again harder, I stumbled back again onto the couch. She pulled her pants off, walking to me in a bra and underwear. She ripped my pants off and she climbed on top of me on the couch. She kissed me softly and pulled my shirt off, she ran her fingers across the scars on my body, kissing each one till she got closer and closer to my lips again, as we looked into each other's eyes, lost in endless waves of emotion. I made love to her like never before. I was more alive at that moment than I ever had been before. Her energy coursed through me, she was a goddess filling me with an elixir of passion and intimacy. The sweet moments I spent with her felt longer than any of my lives combined, I would love her for all eternity.

We spoke for a while after our seemingly unquenchable lust for each other was filled,

"What name shall I call you in this life, my love". She asked me as she laid her head upon my chest.

" I honestly forget my many names sometimes; they all begin to blend together after a while. How about you call me, Musarra, you can call me that from here on and the rest of time. A name given to me by my mother lifetimes ago." I replied

"Musarra? Were you the son of Gians, Naveah, and aldrin?" She asked.

I was shocked she knew of this.

"Yes, but how could you know this?"

I asked

"Your sister told me lifetimes ago, had I ever found any of you, she was safe and she loved you all dearly."

I was filled with emotion, I asked how she came to meet her. She refused to tell me to protect me.

"Just know she was safe in the end." That was all she said with pure sadness in her voice.

I told her all about Nevaeh and Aldrin, she learned of the earth and it's moons true history. She learned of my time with Osiris in Rome and my loss of insanity in lives thereafter. She didn't seem surprised to learn Osiris had been on her ship in another life. She listened to me for so long holding me so tight, almost afraid to let go.

"So, Tiamat, what name have you been given in this life," I asked her

"Oh, I'm known as the great goddess Ishtar here." She responded as she began to laugh. She then said,

"I was named Serenity in this life, such a pretty name, don't you think?" She asked.

"I think I liked Tiamat better, no I take that back Lugal was best." She slapped me with a small pillow and laughed after I said this.

"Im kidding, I think it's a beautiful name. It reminds me of peace, the same peace I feel when I'm with you."

She came up to kiss me, then tapped me on the forehead playfully.

"From now on, and all of eternity you will forever call me Serenity, that is your punishment for your tasteless joke foolish mortal", she said jokingly, smiling at me

I grabbed her chin and pulled her closer to me, smiling back, I told her,

"If it meant I could continue to hold you for all of eternity, never letting go, for that, then I would call you whatever you please, my goddess."

She placed her hand on my face, rubbing her thumb across my cheek.

"If eternity ever met an end, my love, I would light my way through the dark of nothingness and still find you again in the great beyond."

She said so passionately, I could feel the truth in her words.

Serenity told me of the lives she lived before this one, she spoke of multiple lifetimes being reborn as a reptilian and all she learned about the race. As she told the story, I realized her life had been hell.

She did not talk much of her childhood as a reptilian, it was so dark, horrible things were done to her to drive out the light of life from her consciousness. She began to lose her mind at an early age, death tried to take control of her, driving her more into insanity with each passing day, as she began to slip away. The ship she was being raised on was attacked, and she was rescued by another race of Draconian reptilians, these were rebels fighting against what their race was doing. They got all the child reptilians off the harvester ships and blasted off deep into space, for many years they traveled from an uninhabited planet to the next, never staying in one place for too long. The rebels began raising the children to be warriors and technically advanced, they were strong and highly intelligent beings. They fought for a long time rescuing all that they could, she began to weep as she told me this. She lost everyone in that life, that was all she ended with, she didn't want to finish talking about it and I didn't want to see her hurting anymore.

Serenity and I lived a great life after this, we had two children together and raised them to live their lives in peace and happiness. They would both grow up to be great people saving the world in their own ways. The war ended, and for a while, everything seemed to be at peace, but it never truly was. Serenity and I grew incredibly old together. Blessed with long happy lives, we watched our lives go by and the world change rapidly around us. We watched our kids grow old and even have families of their own, a life of peace, finally for us both. She passed before me; she went in her sleep as she laid next to me in bed, it was always hard losing her in every lifetime. However, this was the longest I had her in so long like this. I was at peace with this life and what it gave me. I knew I would find serenity again in another life someday. I could not wait to hear the stories of her new adventures through the galaxy. For now, it was my time to prepare for the great war, I had less than one thousand years left to set the events in motion to ensure we could defend ourselves when the time came. I passed away peacefully shortly after serenity, moving slowly onto the next life as I savored the last few moments of memories in this life of her. I finally let go and moved on, ready to take the next chapter in my story head-on. 

Chapter 9: Coming soon

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