In my rebirth, it was an instant drop in energy, I could feel it now. My soul was matured after being reborn for so many eons I could feel the life around me. I could feel the pain in everyone's hearts. The despair in their dreams. The world I was being reborn into was broken. The synchronization began, as I felt the pain rip through every nerve in my entire body. My pain was drowned out from the cries of my new father, his name was David, the nurse took me away; a pool of blood soiled the coverings of my mother, she tried to reach her hands out to me but failed from the weakness. She was dying, and it was all my fault. The doctors called security as the nurses tried to restrain David from going to his wife. He cried out
"no, please god! Please just let me go to her" he shouted
I was rushed to an incubator the doctors were shining lights into my eyes checking my pulses. I was confused; I had not even cried yet from the pain as it left my body. The commotion in the room made me forget about it all. Security rushed in and pulled my father out of the room as doctors and nurses came rushing in shouting all kinds of medical terms.
Everyone rushed around the room, doctors checking vitals and nurses administering unknown amounts of medicine into my mother. I watched as the doors shut behind me and my mother was no longer in sight, as a child a Starseed's emotions are so strong. It is the hardest part in any awakening process; still overcome with the emotions I began to cry. I could see my father as the security guards dragged him out into the hallway. He screamed at them.
"Please, just let me hold my child, please"
They responded with
"No sir, you need to come with us and calm down, we are begging you please calm down."
The security guards told David as they pulled him through the doors and out of sight. He yelled back to me before they took him away,
"Aizza is her name, daddy will be back baby, I promise!"
They took me back into another room as the doctors and nurses checked me overlooking and expecting to find something wrong with me. They poked and prodded me, the nurses who were with my mom came in the room, tears rolling from her face as one nurse told the rest of the room
"The mother has passed everyone, I'm sorry." As she stormed back out of the room filled with grief.
Everyone got silent, the nurse nearest to me came, looking down on me she said crying.
"I'm so sorry, little one."
As she brushed her fingers across my tiny arms. I was filled with grief.
After some time I was wheeled back into the now empty room I was born in. My father David was holding a bag of my mother's things, starring into nothing on the floor below him.
"Hi dad," the nurse said to David.
"Aizza is here, she would love to meet her daddy."
My father shot up after hearing those words from the nurse. She picked me up and began to trade me off into my new father's arms. His eyes were still filled with grief, he had stunning hazel eyes, there were completely red from sorrow. You could tell this man was broken. He had curly dark brown hair and was very tall. He had a light brown complexion and a big black beard and mustache. I would later learn my father was from Jerusalem and moved to America as a young man, his family had a deep Hebrew heritage.
"Hello my beautiful Aizza, that is your name. In my countries language, that means life, for your life, will be my most cherished piece of her."
He said to me holding me tight, holding back the tears he so desperately wanted to let out.
I felt safe within his arms, it had been a long time since I had felt such a connection with one of my parents. I felt the strength within him, the love that overcame him for me, and the pain of great loss he felt for my mother. We had to stay in the hospital for many days as he cared for me. My father was told my mother had a hemorrhage that got out of control which led to her death. My father would never forgive himself for this, he would always blame himself. Even I blamed myself for her death. I just wish my father understood she would find life again and hopefully be happy there. We were released from the hospital and I was taken home. My father had plenty of family members helping him with me in the beginning. His grief would not stop him from raising his daughter. Every day he got up, fed me, played with me, taught me, and loved me. At times he would hold me close in his arms and dance with me in the living room. They were some of my happiest memories of our time together. One night as our song came on again, I walked to David as a young infant, he picked me up in his arms and held me in the air with him. As we danced and giggled, my little hand stretched out in his. This time he began to cry a little, he slowly placed his forehead to mine and wept softly. I could feel the emotion pour from him. He would dance like this in the living room with my mother when I still grew in her belly. Happy memories like this of them, he told me so often. I placed my hands on his cheeks and said my first words, da da, with a smile. He cheered up quickly and sucked the tears back in, as he twirled me around in his arms,
"You said your first words baby girl I'm so proud of you"
He shouted with joy
My father was a writer and had the luxury of authoring many successful books in this life. We lived a very privileged life. I had so many family members who loved me and my father, it helped him cope with the loss of his wife greatly. They were so in love, she was an American woman he met as a young man, they were together for years before being married and conceiving me. She was an archeologist and I thought it inspired many of his stories. They went on many excavations in Egypt and other parts of the world. She was a beautiful woman. Red ginger hair and rosy cheeks that glared from her pale skin. Freckles crossed the skin under her nose, between her big blue eyes, which were flattered by the longest eyelashes I had ever seen, she was tall and slender and absolutely gorgeous. My father told me I looked much like her, only I had gotten his brown hair. He swore I would also have his strength. My father was also an expert in many forms of martial arts and a killing machine if necessary. He trained me in every form of martial arts and taught me about all types of weapons; even in guns, which had advanced since my time in world war two. It was the new millennium the year two thousand. My father was surprised that most of everything he taught me I had mastered by fifteen. There was not much left to teach me by this age. My father wrote a biography of my mother's life as an archeologist and her exciting journeys he had with her; he sold it and made a lot of money and never authored another book again. He devoted all his time to me. He was an amazing father. I cherished him. I loved him as much as I loved Aldrin and many of my fathers before. When I turned sixteen, I took an interest in his books, I read my mother's biography book first and was intrigued by all their excavations in Egypt and even the Babylon cultures. They even tried to find the mythical city of Atlantis. By the time I was seventeen I had finished all his books. One of them got me the most: The tales of Osiris. The entire book was about the great life of Osiris son of an ancient alien race, it even included a complete count of his birth and life thereafter. I was shocked, it was a replica of the true life of Osiris. It was the last book of his I read. I asked my father how he had learned of this tale as he did not include anything in mother's biography of these findings.
My father looked at me and said
"it just a story kiddo"
"Osiris is it you?" I asked
David looked at me puzzled for a moment. One eyebrow raised, squinting.
"Aizza are you okay? Come over here girl...are you doing drugs?"
He hollered to me, demanding to know, what in the world I am talking about,
"Dad I'm sorry. It was a joke?" I said
He calmed down,
"Aizza, why would you think I'm some fictional character from one of my books?" he asked me
"It was just a joke dad, it was one of my favorite stories, how did you come up with it?" I asked
It was morning time and he began to make my breakfast, I got all the things out of the fridge and cabinets we needed to prepare our meal. He told me as we did these things
"It's a story that has replayed in my dreams over and over since I was a young boy. As much as all my books, they are all dreams I have had for many years of my life, some dreams are even nightmares too terrifying to write about." He said
I asked him
"Do you know why you get them, dad?" I asked as I wondered "Could this be the soul of an Osiris who has forgotten who he was?"
David said
"Well, I would like to think they are just creative imaginations within me to share with the world."
"Do you ever think they could be past lives that plague your mind? The emotions of them so strong even your own mind cant block them out anymore?" I said to him
"Aizza enough with this past lives stuff! I am sorry sweetie, but you know what I believe, the world is a big accident, and all of us here are a part of a great big nothingness. When we die that is it, it is nothing. Nothing happens. Poof, you are dead! Gone forever!" he told me
I angrily replied
"Moms not just dead; she's not just gone as you say, she wasn't just sucked into a great big nothingness. You're calling mom nothing now, is that it?! She is not nothing! She is out there somewhere dad, whether you believe it or not, she was reborn again, she is living somewhere much better than this world of human deception and wickedness that is for sure. She could have even been one of these loves of the characters in one of your books and you would never even know. You need to wake up, Osiris!"
He shouted
"THAT'S ENOUGH!, I don't know what has gotten into you, but your mother is gone, do you understand me. She is never coming back, in an eternal place of nothing where there's great silence and peace away from this world. Now go to your room I have had enough of this, this morning"
As my emotions, still so sensitive in my young years, took over. I became irrational and shouted back,
"You're wrong, and one day I hope you wake up and remember who you are, cause I couldn't take it if I knew you had given up and I lost you for good. I've lost too many people I'll probably never see again in my lifetimes. I cannot, and will not lose you too!" I finished pointing angrily at him. A look of pure confusion and concern struck his face, as I stormed out of the house grabbing my bag, and headed off to school for the day.
My father chased after me, I could hear him asking as I plugged my headphones in
"Aizza, Aizza come back, please. I'm sorry I shouted, please let us tal-!" all the way out the door with me as I kept walking. My music cutting him off.
I loved music in this era of time, I could take it anywhere, I plugged my headphones in and began to walk to school as my father eventually gave up and walked back inside. I blasted the music and felt the emotions of the vibrations send chills down my spine.
Suddenly a force pushed me down and the explosion rang out of my ears as the headphones were ejected from them. I fell to the ground and looked back; my home was scattered across the ground. Huge pieces lay everywhere, burning, people ran from their homes in terror. Across from me, my father's roasted body was laying on the ground. I ran to him screaming
I ran over to him as his flesh still sizzled from the burns that coursed his body.
"Dad are you o-"
He stopped me and with every breathe he had left he said to me
"Aizza, you were right, I don't know why I didn't remember before but I do now. In the backyard by the shed way in the back there is a chest; run away with its contents, its ancient techno-... they are aft-" he died trying to choke out his last sentence.
I pulled my emotions together and right away went to where my father had told me to find it, the shed had managed to barely withstand the blast. The smell of gas fumed the air. I knew my father had been murdered for whatever was in this chest. I grabbed the chest and ran as fast as I could. Firetrucks and ambulance's rushed down the streets past me. I disappeared into the woods and ran for so long, I had traveled for hours and decided to rest until nightfall so I could guide myself out of the forest using the stars. I found a safe place to rest and examined the chest. In it were ancient Anunnaki writing which I could decipher and a few vials of liquid and fibers. The text spoke of research on cloning humans through genetic advancement.
The Anunnaki had started cloning experiments in their final days on earth, they scrapped the technology and labeled it dangerous. It seems someone did not destroy it and hid it away in Ke-Met. My mother and father must have discovered it and hid it hoping to one day learn of its contents. I locked the contents up and hid them away in my backpack, and rested against a rock.
I was disturbed eventually by stealthy footsteps. I pretended to sleep as they snuck closer and closer to me; I counted two. Just then I felt a whoosh coming to my face. I rolled quickly and began to run away with my bag, I just narrowly dodged their strike that would have killed me as they screeched loudly at me. Here they were giant reptilians once again. They were after the chest, this was the event that would lead to an insane amount of souls being bred for war. I had a tough choice to make, if I destroyed the contents of the chest, I would save all those souls from a despicable future. I would also be sacrificing the lives of an entire species on earth; the humans would go extinct without them. I had a tough choice to make, but first I needed to figure out how to escape these two giant lizards. I ran as fast as I could as they easily caught up to me, I was strong in this life but still so young. I could not outrun these two. Unarmed, I began to fight them through the woods as we ran. I swung on a branch as they got close behind me, I swung around unto them kicking them both on the back of the head, as they fell to the ground one grabbed me with his tail and wrapped it around me squeezing me tightly, it stood up and threw me down; sliding me across the ground. The chest fell out of my bag and the reptilian picked it up. The other reptile came over to me, stomping its foot across my back. A third reptile emerged from the shadows wearing robes of a cleric, the one that attacked me, gave the cleric the contents in the chest I had. The reptile who wore robes like a cleric poured a few drops from the liquid vile in my chest, into a liquid vile of their own; it began to turn blue. They became slightly excited and I immediately pulled my small dagger from my waist and stabbed the lizard stepping on me in the ankle, it lifted his foot in pain as I held on stabbing my way up its body to its throat, it fell over on the ground. The other two locked up the vile and hid it away in another bag and began shooting at me. I rolled away behind a tree picking up the dead lizard's gun in the process, a miniature beam cannon. I rolled out from behind the tree shooting one of the lizards in the process; a direct hit vaporized his face, it dropped down. The third charged at me, firing its weapon. I ran as fast as I could in between the trees, trying to dodge his shots. Once it caught up with me I knew I had to stop it, I had leaped into a slide and bent backward as I slid, dodging his bullets by inches, as they grazed the air above me. I fired my gun hitting him right in the face instantly killing him. I jumped up and quickly ran back to obtain the bag the reptiles hid my chest and that blue liquid in, as soon as I had it, I took off. I ran for miles, I ran until the dark of night filled the skies. I guided my way out, back to the road. I walked, as cars driving by honked at me. Some tried to stop, I was covered in blue blood and I was walking down the streets. Not a very smart decision I told myself. I decided to stay out of sight as I ran away for the last time, I came into an old small town. I found an abandoned building to hide in. It still had running water so I cleaned up the best I could near its faucets. I sat down and finally felt like I could breathe. I pulled the vial out of the bag which was much larger than before, it expanded like an incubation tank. The reptilians had tons of their own liquid vials in the bag. They must all be DNA to produce the clones through the ancient Anunnaki liquid. But what was it, it all made sense to me now; this was the start of a change in the future. Had the reptilians infiltrated the government? I had a lot of questions none of which I would have answered in this life, in the morning I went to the bank and withdrew enough money from an emergency account my father set up for me to buy some land, a home, and a car, I had enough to live off for quite some time. I went into hiding out in the countryside and bought an old broken-down farm. I paid in all cash, well over the asking price for people to not ask questions, so I could not be traced. I spent many days watching as the embryo in the vial grew larger and larger each day, it grew to be so big so quickly and I was horrified. Within it was a baby Nephilim. The vials the reptilians had were all liquid DNA of ancient Nephilim. The reptilians must have wanted them to control from an immature age, making massive destructive forces bred for war. This had not happened in the dimension I fought the great war in, my actions in this life had set a course for a brand new history in mine.
As the Nephilim child grew in the never-ending expanding vial, I pondered on killing it, I thought deeply about the actions I had witnessed before by its kind. The thought coursed my mind, still, I never could bring myself to harm it. Eventually, the vial burst, and the fluid poured everywhere. I held the large child in my arms. It was a perfect likeness to a child, like Osiris. The red hair patched his head. His bright green eyes destined to get brighter. The child had so many features that resembled Osiris. I raised the boy for many years. To him, I was his mother. I froze the other vials and locked them away until I decided what to do with them. I named the child, Horus, he resembled Osiris increasingly more every day. The child was kind and never violent. We lived happily and peacefully together.
By the time he was a teenager, he had already grown to be eight feet tall and extremely strong. He did all the farm work by hand, moving boulders from his path that weighed tons like they were nothing. The child was the sweetest boy, I began to realize he would never harm a fly. I decided to train the boy in his youth, I taught him a great deal of discipline. He never complained and always did as he was told. Horus was a natural warrior. He mastered everything I knew quicker than I had, at his age. Years had gone by and I began to grow older. Word spread around the town of the giant that lived in the mountains on the farm. We would soon have visitors.
The day came, men in black suits drove to our farm. I hid Horus away in the barn and went to greet them.
"Good day gentleman, are you both lost? You've come a long way out into the wilderness."
The men replied
"mam, we have had reports which have led us to believe, your hiding fugitives of the state here on your land. You mind if we have a look around?"
"Tell me, gentleman, by what means have you come to this silly conclusion?"
I asked them
"Are you alone on this farm mam, it would seem this is far too much work for just one woman? You must have some help, so if you're not hiding someone then tell us, who is helping you?"
One of the men said to me
Extremely offended I replied,
"Is that your only proof?... Because I am a woman, who you feel is incapable of farming my lands on my own? Well, I assure you gentleman, you are wrong. I have done many things in this life and many lifetimes before, things that you couldn't even fathom. I promise you, me being a woman does not hinder my ability to do anything. In fact, I doubt you all would even truly understand what it means to truly be alone."
I replied sternly
Then began to reply
"Mam, we have phot-"
I interrupted them and said
"Sir, if either of you has a warrant to search my lands then please present it. If not then I would ask you to leave immediately."
Another car showed up with two more men they got out and walked to join us as I finished asking them to leave
"Mam, my name is agent carter I'm in charge of these men."
"Are you the one with the warrant then? I asked
", but to be frank, mam, we don't really need one. Now stand aside while my men do their jobs." Agent carter ordered me.
Frustrated, even more, I sternly said,
"I will do no such thing! Consider this your final warning gentleman. Leave now and you may go in one piece, disregard my request and I swear to you, each one of will leave half the man you were before you stepped foot on my property. If you manage to live, that is. "
They all started to laugh and another man came to me grabbing my shoulder.
"step aside mam!" he said as he attempted to move me
I grabbed his arm on my shoulder and flipped it around, I punched his elbow backward snapping his arm as he screamed in pain. Two more came at me at once, as agent carter stood back and watched. I jabbed one with my fingers right into his throat and kicked him away as he choked. The other man pulled his gun out and I immediately kicked him in the knee, it bent inwardly and snapped, he fell dropping his gun, holding his knee, screaming. Agent Carter quickly came up behind me and grabbed me. Just then Horus came charging out of the barn door breaking it into pieces, as he ran to me, screaming.
"Unhand my mother now!"
Agent Carter let me go and backed away in fear. Horus smacked agent carter so hard he flew a few feet from us.
"Horus, that's enough darling, I'm fine, I'm fine, please calm down."
I pleaded with him as he stood there staring at them, they all began fleeing in fear, agent carter dragged the one with the broken leg into his car. They took off quickly.
"Horus, they are gone dear, please calm down" I begged Horus fearing what he could do to them
He finally began to slow his breathing and calmed down. He turned to me as I stood behind him and said,
"I'm sorry mother, I didn't mean to frighten you. I thought that man was going to hurt you and I don't know what overcame me. I was scared they were going to take you from me."
He got on his knees and bent down to me to hug me. Horus was only sixteen now, but he was the size of a fully grown Nephilim he was as tall as Osiris once stood. I comforted Horus, I told him I was not going anywhere. One thing was for sure. We were no longer safe, they would return. I had to get Horus and all the clone children's embryos away from here. We quickly gathered all our things and I told Horus everything. I told him of my origins and his, I told him of my lifetimes as a starseed and all that I endured. I told him of the great war to come and that of the reptilians who would not hesitate to take his life had he not bent to their control. Horus took in everything. I made him promise me if anything happened to me, he would raise an army through the clones somewhere far away and prepare them for the great war to come. He promised me, we began to load everything in our car and were about to depart.
We were too late, they were already here. The military was everywhere.
Chapter 10: coming soon
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