Chapter nine-Logan


That was a word that rang through my brain like a bell and seeped into my soul. There I stood in the base with my brothers. To say the least, we had turned the place upside-down. Helena was nowhere to be seen.

I was getting sick of games, and whoever was with her was obviously toying with us. It annoyed me to no end. I was not going to allow this to happen again. " Logan". Noah spoke in his sluggish English accent.

In my family I was quiet. I didn't like answering stupid questions. I didn't care for small talk. I didn't care to engage in useless activities unless absolutely necessary.

Even though Helena never knew it she was probably my favorite. She was stubborn, strong-minded, and willed. So when my brothers called my name in this event I listened.

" Yes"? my voice came out quieter than I would have liked. " Can't you run a DNA test 'er somtin"? Noah Asked. I nodded. " I need Samples though, And also a connection to wiring. " They nodded and we went to work.

Out of the small backpack I had brought with me I pulled out a small handheld tracking device. I would put the DNA samples into the top and it would locate the person, or, people. It also gave me Intel on each person. Our father invented this gadget before he left. I had the right to use it, and it wasn't my fault he scurried away in the night.

Not too long after my brothers returned with the samples of hair from the three bedrooms. I connected to the small amount of power in the house and began. The longest just from a slight glance I could tell was my sisters. I dropped the first one in. A smirk lifted to my lips when the screen told me complete government files.

His name was Ash... he was only a year older than Helena. His files showed he was from the south and also known to be dangerous. That's when his last name caught my eye, the memories flashed of that night and I let out a breath.

" It's the... Tamers." I said clearing my throat. " As in the family who killed her!" Levi said, his face full of pain, memories, and absolute hatred. Jaren placed his hand upon Levi's shoulder. There was no doubt. All the pieces added up. If we didn't find Helena soon, she'd be gone forever.

I ran the other set of DNA and Ash's older brother Legon files appeared. Lastly was Helena's. Her files never showed up. None of our files would. To the government, we never existed. On file at least, they would pay a good price for us. Anyone would...

"Because they're from the south I would assume they're on the mountainside". " Okay boys," Noah smirked rubbing his hands together. " First we strip this house of supplies. Then we're kickin sum' ass".

So we did. We took every last supply, and the stuff we didn't want we burned.

" That's for our mother", I spit words of venom at the fire in hopes the bastards would somehow hear.