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VIII: Munch

"Oh, really?" The old lady nodded in understanding. "You should go to school together starting tomorrow. Lewis, help him open up to others. He is like this onion who got a lot of layers in him." Lewis laughed at her remark.

"Oh, heck yeah, he's an onion alright. The smell of feet is really something." Grandma Star added. Matthew popped a vein. "That was one time Grandma, one time."

"Sure hon, you do you." She faced to Lewis once more. "Anyway, it will be good if you keep him company. Matthew prefers to be all by himself, I mean it good somehow. You're out of trouble and things like that but, not really, he needs a friend. You get what I'm trying to say Lewis?"

The shy man nodded. "Yeah, I can relate to that. But it would be nice to be outgoing once in a while."

"Sheesh, stop making me distant to others a big deal Ma. I have good grades; I know I can do well in class and I keep out of trouble. The ideal son." Matthew interjected; his statement made Grandma Star roll her eyes. "Yeah right, sure sweetheart, sounds pretty ideal."

Matthew sighed. "You get more sarcastic every day." The old lady chuckled. "That's part of my charm hon." Lewis smiled at their interaction. It feels great to be able to see something new other than the same wallpaper. Eating the same set of diet. Just being to see the same set of everything.

Lewis was so absorbed in his own thoughts; he wasn't able to respond to Grandma Star. "Uh, uh, what was that?"

"I said if you would like to go to school with Matthew every day, since you both go to the same school and go to the same bus stop, I guess why not?"

"Ah! Yeah, yeah, I'm alright with that." Lewis nodded then faced Matthew to see if he was alright with it too. Matthew sighed again. "Yeah, I'm alright with that too."

"Wonderful." Grandma Star smiled widely. "Seriously, I can't believe I have to set you up in order for you to have one attentive friend. Lucky for you, our Lewis is the caring type, I'm sure he will always have the energy to listen to whining 24/7." Lewis laughed heartily. "Stop teasing him Ma. You'll wear him out."

"Stop humiliating me Grandma, I don't want Lewis seeing me as a whiny guy with parent issues." Matthew held the bridge of his nose. "You can add the smelly feet to that list." Matthew faced him and Lewis evaded eye contact. Grandma Star only laughed. "That's right Lewis, show him."

"You see that Matt, Lewis might seem wimpy but his mouth got all the muscle. Well, no offense Lewie."

"None taken. I'm built like dry wall. I bet if I jumped over a person to save him from a bullet. It would just run right though me hitting him too." Grandma Star slapped his arm. "If you have the time, come here for dinner again, okay?"