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XI: Back

The dinner went smoothly. Too smoothly, it was so alright it was beginning to become suspicious. Lewis felt especially good how it all went. It was a pretty good thing how it was Grandma Star he was referring too.

It was all because Matthew was the one who suggested on going with him for dinner. 'Now that I think about it, I only did the bare minimum. Everything happened because Matthew asked him first.' Lewis placed his hands inside his pockets.

He already bid farewell to them. He is now on his way home. Grandma Star insisted he stayed longer but they had homework to do and Lewis can't keep his pets waiting any longer. He smiled all the way home. Matthew saw him out and waved him goodbye before going back inside.

"Wow, Matthew is so good-looking. It is pretty amazing how the girls in class didn't really made their way with him." Lewis pondered. Maybe they did when he wasn't paying attention. "I can't wait to get home and tell Liam about today. He'll be eating his words."

Lewis felt too ambitious. He felt like a real winner today. He will be sleeping peacefully and satisfied. "I'm back you guys!" The young man welcomed his dogs. They were thrilled as him. "I've got special news right now, but let me give you guys a treat first,"

He opened the cupboard and took out the large tub of dog snacks for his beloved pets. "Chewy for you and you and you." He is smiling from ear to ear. Lewis felt like he was on cloud-nine. He said not to get too glad but he just could not help it.

It was nice having a great meal and talk with others – even if they were not his own family.

He slapped both of cheeks. He was way too happy. "I need to stop smiling or else something really bad is about to replace this." The good old superstition that if you are happy now, you would be sad the next to balance out the emotions.

"Seriously… This must be the heavens telling me to be happy once in a while. This house is too gloomy." One of his pets whined. He eyes widened in realization. "Oh no, no, no, it's not your fault. You guys are the reasons why this house had some light in it."

"What I mean is, look at the wallpaper, the furniture, the plants. Wait no, scratch the plants, just them. They look like they need some happiness in their lives, well not like they are alive to begin with but, I'm sure you guys got the point, right?" Lewis clarified.

"I should change this place. Give this home a good makeover." He picked up his adorable golden Labrador puppy and kissed him on the forehead. "This weekend, that is what I should do. I never really spent the money my parents gave me. I can add more plants in the garden and I could arrange my books into a much better bookshelf. Add a cute clock and moss plants on the walls."

He explained more of plans in details to his pups as they are walking inside his bedroom. "I'm going to take a shower. Get yourselves comfortable." He stretched out his limbs and stepped inside the bathroom. "I hope all days are like today."