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XVII: Trip

The day of their road trip. The date circled in red. After meticulously planning everything, they were pretty satisfied with what they had. They were going on a five-day road trip in the next state. He got all of his luggage ready, even the toiletries, and money.

It was a couple days left until the trip and Lewis can't help but help but feel ecstatic about the whole thing. It was his first trip with a friend other than Liam. The quiet finally got himself a new companion. His dogs jumped over the bed and they merrily played with each other.

Matthew on the other hand did not prepare. It was also his first time going on a trip ever since moving in with Grandma Star. Nonetheless, he was happy that he finally got to be with a good person for once.

'I wonder how Lewis would react if I told him I was gay? Would he be like the rest?' He didn't want to break his friendship with him. 'But if he really treated me as his friend, he wouldn't be disgusted right?"

"Sheesh, these random thoughts really know how to ruin my day." He heard a soft knock. "Sweetie, I'm coming in." Grandma Star brought in cookies. There was not a day where cookies disappeared from their home. They will always be there. This time she gave him chocolate chip.

"What's up Grandma?" He asked while taking a bite. "It is about your trip with Lewie." Grandma Star expressed her concern about it. "And? Is there something wrong?"

"What? No, no, no. Nothing is wrong. I'm just feeling anxious for you."

"Why? Ma, look at me." Matthew chuckled. "I an going to enjoy this trip and you don't have to worry. We had it all planned and we will stick to that. Plus, I'll call you from time to time." Grandma Star smiled. "I know. It's just isn't this your first time going out ever since you arrived here? I'm just all choked up about you hating it or what if something bad will happen? I will die early at this rate."

"There is absolutely no need to worry. Does it look like Lewis and I love going out, partying, doing drugs?"

"Oh my god, boy, the day I discover you have some cocaine in this room. I will personally bury you over my tulips." Grandma Star threatened him. She sighed. "I guess so. I do trust Lewie. He is a good son, pretty great kid. Too bad his parents are pretty negligent. Make sure the both of you have a good time and take a lot of photos. I want to see everything." She kissed his cheek before going out of his room.

"Sure Ma, we'll both take care."