Lydia's POV
My mood had dulled reasonably as I sat in my chair while everyone buzzed with energy.
We were currently at our most favorite local fast food place. Everyone had decided to come here to celebrate because the family owning the restaurant was on the verge of closing the place down.
"Lydia! What do you want to eat?" Asked Alissa, shouting from near the counter. "Nothing. I'm not in the mood to eat." I shouted back. Alissa made a confused face causing me to sigh and walk towards her.
"I said, I'm not hungry right now." I said as I reached her. "But why? It's almost dinner time and you had had only 1 sandwich during the lunch time." She argued.
She wasn't wrong. But, she didn't know that I had lost my appetite after watching Blake and Georgia kiss.
You must think that I am used to seeing him with different girls, but I am not. I never will be. It hurts every single time. And, I hate it.
I shrugged and went back to my seat. I looked at Georgia and Blake as they cozily sat with eachother, surrounded by Blake's team members.
Georgia sensed me looking at them and shot me a sweet smile. I smiled back at her.
It was hard to hate a person as sweet as Georgia. She had moved in the town 2 years back. She had always been a sweetheart to everyone. Everyone knows how much she loves Blake and everyone knows that Blake isn't serious about their relationship.
It's sad how Georgia keeps up with him even after he breaks up with her again and again and has different flings.
It's hard for me to hate either of them.
I wa brought out of my thoughts as Alissa came back with River and sat on the seat next to me.
Nathaniel and Julia are nowhere to be found. We all know what they are secretly upto but none of us question their absence.
I sighed as Alissa and River conversed, being lost in their own world.
I took out my phone and started playing a game to pass my time. "Why aren't you eating anything?" Asked the deep voice of Blake as he placed himself on the seat next to mine, a burger in his hand.
"I wasn't hungry." I mumbled, looking down at my feet. Man I want new sneakers.
"Oh. Okay." He said as he ate his burger.
How can he look so good while eating a fucking burger!
I bit my lip and looked down at my intertwined hands. I can't believe Blake made a small but real conversation with me.
The most we have done is say hello to eachother during our family dinners.
It might be because I gave him my notebook earlier today. I suddenly remembered that I needed to get my notebook back from him.
But, when I looked up, he was already gone. Him and Georgia were busy clicking pictures.
Soon enough, Julia came back holding hands with Nate and we both headed hom. Thank God.
This is why I hate parties and celebrations. Everyone except for me is easily able to engage in conversations.
It's more like, not a lot of people notice me. Julia and Alissa are very out going which is why more people know about them while I stay in their shadow, causing not a lot of people to know about me.
I pouted as I laid back on my bed and opened my laptop.
I wish I was more like my sister. It would've been so much easier.
I shrugged and opened netflix, getting immersed into watching my favorite show.
The next day, I woke up and dragged myself to school. Everything was as usual, boring. My heart ached at the sight of Blake and Georgia. I headed to my last class, the one which I shared with Blake.
I was surprised to see Blake already sitting on our bench. His brown eyes were already observing me as I awkwardly walked to my seat and placed myself down.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, Blake asked me a question.
"Can I ask you something, Lydia?" He asked me, making me snap my head to his direction. My heart beat fastened.
"Why do you have my full name doodled all across the last page of your notebook?" He asked me, not bothering to look at my direction.
My heart dropped. Literally. I looked at him with wide eyes, like a dear caught in headlights. My face was flushed red.
This. Is. So. Embarrassing.
I opened and closed my mouth like a fish a couple of times, not knowing how to answer his question. He looked at me from his side eye for a moment and a little smirk tugged on his lip.
"Don't worry, I won't expose your little secret infront of everyone. I would say I'm flattered but I really don't care?" He almost asked himself and a pang of hurt shot through me.
I bit my lip and looked down at my lap.
Thankfully, Mrs.Newmort entered the class and started with her lecture. I didn't look back at Blake's direction again. Not even once.
I was deeply hurt and embarrassed.
I really don't care.
His words rang in my head again and again like a mantra.
I mean seriously though, why would He care? It is common for him, almost every girl in this highschool has been attracted to Blake at some point.
I sighed out loud as the bell. I quickly gathered my stuff and ran out of the class. I didn't know how late Julia would be to arrive at the parking lot so I took the bus to my house.
I felt numb. I didn't really know how to feel.
Ofcourse, I had never expected Blake to care about me or my existence ever. But, hearing those words from his mouth served as a slap back to reality.
I lived too much in my dreamland anyways.
I quickly changed my clothes and wore a comfortable hoodie with shorts.
I decided to go to the kitchen and make something for dinner to distract myself.
I pouted and thought about what I would like to prepare. After a few moments of thinking, I decided on lasagna and quickly got started on it.
I decided to prepare a healthy amount of it so that I could have it for lunch the next day.
I also prepared pineapple tarts for dessert, the maids happily helping me in my preparation.
As I was done with both them, there was still a lot of time left. So, to my pass my time I prepared everyone's favorite, mozzarella sticks with classic marinara.
When the bell rang and the maids rushed to open the door. Julia was still not home.
Imagine my surprise when I saw Blake's family enter with my parents and Julia.
Man I wanted to save some lasagna for tomorrow. Ugh.