As brave as I may be,

Rune noticed that she was sad. But he was unsure what he should do to make her feel good. He had only soothed his sweeties and his interaction with other women was still awkward. It was not like he didn't like women, but he never felt anything towards any other women except his sweeties and his mother. In his eyes, all the women in the world were only women, the same as a man. The only difference he acknowledged was the physical appearance and that women love sweet-talking as well as crying.

"Don't worry he will be safe. I have temporarily placed few guards and some magic traps near the library so no harm will come to him. You can be assured"

Listening to his cool voice turned Resel's chaotic heart calm and she believed in his words well to be specific, she believed in him.

She was clueless what charm this man had on her, but her heart seems to always believe in him.

The realization struck her as her cheeks turned red and all the sadness disappeared in an instant. She was too embarrassed to face him, so she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep in the carriage.

Rune was bewildered by her reaction.

'Why did she shut her eyes after I said that her father would be safe? Did I say something wrong?' He did not understand why women love to be mysterious and sealed their mouths when there was a need to talk. He noticed her red cheeks and wanted to ask her whether she was all right but on second thought decided against it.

It was evening and the journey back to the mansion would probably take the whole night, so he too just closed his eyes to rest but was vigilant all the way in case of any mishaps.


The night was long, so was the festival.

A wooden carved carriage stopped beside a lake and four people came down from it. There were two women of the same age and two-man of the same age. From their looks, they looked like any other ordinary merchants and wore simple clothes, but beauty can't be hidden and that's a fact. The girl's appearance was like falling water, pure and beautiful whereas both the men were radiating an intellectual aura.

Camy and Ciel were oblivious to it but the men weren't. They easily saw through their corrupt thoughts. Vladis and Arthur did not like this even a bit, and in return, gave all of them a vicious glare as if showing their possessiveness. They soon visited the festival with the help of VIP passes that were issued in the name of Lord Arthur.

"Vladis you are too lucky that you are serving the Lord. He also seems like a nice person. He gave you VIP passes for all of us. He really knows how to keep people happy" Camy said happily.

"Yes sister, Vladis has the luck of nine worlds. Lord Arthur really seems like a nice person" Ciel added her point.


On the other side, Vladis had a complicated expression. He knew fully why he got that VIP pass. His lord was not at all merciful or a person who makes someone happy instead, he was cruel. A person who can kill someone without batting an eye. Vladis shuddered at his own thoughts and just gave a complacent smile to everyone as he glared at a certain lord.

On the other hand, the lord was grinning.

"Now we need to separate from here because they only allow two people at once," Vladis said.

Both of them furrowed their eyebrows. Before they both could get a chance to say anything, a certain lord introduced him.

"Ladies don't mind my secret identity as well as do not fear me. I am a simple man who abides by the law and will do nothing to harm you. Whoever will come with me, can rest assured."

Vladis was awed by his Lord's acting skill.

"Camy and Ciel you both can decide yourself with whom you want to go" Vladis offered.

Ciel knew that Vladis has an interest in Camy and Camry to seems to like him so she reluctantly offered to volunteer and go with the mysterious man with a secret identity.

"Camy you go with Vladis and I will go with this mister" Ciel suggested, and before Camy can object Vladis grabbed Camy's wrist and dragged her with him. Camy had no choice so she followed him.

"Hey, miss, you are quite courageous. Aren't you afraid that I will do something to you after all you know nothing about me? Do you?" The man chuckled.

Ciel gave him a look and then said," You can try. Even you don't know me or to be specific what I am capable of. Do you?" She gave him a sinister smile.

The man was amazed. She was the first woman who has ever talked with him in this tone. To his surprise, he wasn't angry at all, instead, he was happy. She was still feisty like before. Her feistiness made her look more charming under the moon.

"Take it easy miss Ciel. I know you are Rune's precious sister and the apple of Taylor's household. As brave as I maybe, I won't be brave enough to harm something which belongs to Taylor's" he said casually.

"Now if you are interested, do you want to take a stroll?" he suggested.

This time Ciel did not say anything but nodded her head and started following him. The man shifted her towards his left so that she can be protected from the lecherous eyes of men.

Ciel noticed it and her lips quirked up ever so lightly.