She didn't believe him...

As they were walking, she spotted a stall. It was a stall that was selling charm stones and chunky jewelry. A woman who was telling the future sat in the middle of the stall. Although Ciel was never interested in knowing the future and all as she believed them as nothing more than a scam but for some unknown reasons, her feet took her in front of the stall. She was amazed by the jewels and wanted to try a bracelet. Before she could try it, a hand grabbed her wrist. She furrowed her eyebrows and wanted to free her hand from the grasp but failed to do so. The man who had grabbed her hand dragged her towards the other side of the stall.

"Hey what are you doing? Can't you see I was looking at them? I wanted to try them" she sulked.

The man pressed his lips in a straight line. He was annoyed. He was just tying his shoelace and she disappeared. He was frantic and searched for her. Luckily he managed to trace her down. He saw her going towards a stall, glancing at junk jewelry. Ciel did not realize it but he instantly realized the mysterious energy coming from stones and jewelry. He knew that they were up to no good so he hurriedly ran towards her and grabbed her before she could touch those things. He realized that she was under a hypnotic spell.

'Who had the audacity to put her under the spell when he was with her. Morons! Someone was hell-bent on dying' he thought to himself.

He didn't fear anyone at least not on his turf but this time, he has her to protect. He did not want to reveal his identity nor he wants to cause her any trouble because he knew the moment she will find out about him, she will change. Her behavior will change towards him.

And this was something he didn't want.

"Are you mad? Why are you roaming mindlessly?" He criticized her in a soft voice.

Ciel pouted her cherry lips when she heard his grumble. "I wanted to buy that beautiful bracelet but you interrupted". she then fluttered her beautiful eyelashes and made a pitiful face.

Arthur was amazed by her acting skills.

'It seems like she is still the same. My cute birdie' he said under his breath.

In a second Ciel's Wrist was again grabbed by him and he immediately slid a beautiful bracelet on her wrist.

Arthur was too fast and Ciel didn't get a chance to react and when she did, she saw a beautiful silver bracelet on her wrist. She immediately tried to remove it but Arthur held her hand and said seriously," Don't remove it. Just consider it as a gift"

Ciel frowned and opened her mouth to say "We aren't close. I can't accept this bracelet. "

She knew that the bracelet was no ordinary one. She didn't know much about jewelry but the bracelet she was wearing very smooth on her hand. It was probably an expensive one. The last thing she wanted to do was, to take an expensive gift from a stranger, so she fiercely denied it.

"No, No I won't take it. Who knows what spell have you bind with this bracelet? I don't believe you" Ciel said.

Arthur's face immediately turned black. He thought 'This birdie of his, why is she so stupid? Earlier she was under the spell of someone like a total idiot and now here she was, suspecting him. If she is so intelligent then why did she fall for that crazy spell.'

"just take it. I am not a shameless person to harm a woman so keep it" he huffed.

Arthur didn't give a choice to Ciel thus she accepted his bracelet. This incident caused suspicion in Arthur's heart thus he didn't let go of Ciel even for a second and followed her everywhere like a young boy chasing after a butterfly.

Ciel didn't expect to have a good time with this man but shockingly she did. She observed that he was a man who was not only handsome but also had a caring nature. He was not at all sweet like Vadis, but he had his own charms, and he was very subtle while showing his care.

Ciel was no fool, and she did understand that this man meant no harm thus she lowered her guards against him and befriended him.

"Hey, what's your identity? Who are you? If you don't mind telling me then please....." she requested him with a cheesy smile.

Arthur knew that she was up to no good and would ask this question on and on again. He was even shocked that she even waited so long before asking this question.

"Aren't you a curious cat?" He chuckled and gave her a look.

Ciel knew what he meant but she still nodded in a silly way.

Arthur knew that she will not let it go before he satisfies his queries So he pulled her and pinned her on a tree.

Today the moon was full, and it was an exceptionally romantic night. A man pinning a woman on a tree. Their beautiful reflection reflected on the silvery lake. Ciel's heart raced like crazy as she tried to push him but to no avail.

Arthur enjoyed her flustered self and grazed her cheeks sweetly with his fingers. Her skin was so soft just like butter.

"What happened Ciel? Open your eyes. Don't you want to know who I am?" Arthur teased her in his deep voice.

Ciel blushed.

"I am no ordinary person my dear. I am Arthur Evans, the lord of the Reinstle empire. The legendary wizard. Say birdie, do you believe me?" He asked her with a smirk.

Ciel was dumbfounded when she heard him. She didn't dare to believe her ears. No matter how hard she tried she just can't. If she really did believe in him then, the mighty image of Lord of Reinstle's empire will just be reduced to dust in her heart. No way he is a lord. Which lord flirts randomly and even has so much time to visit festivals unless they are necessary.

Ceil started laughing and all the romantic atmospheres vanished between them replacing them with the sweet laughter of a beautiful girl.

"Really! From your expression, I really thought that you will tell me your identity, but I never imagined that you would play such a joke on me. Fine if you don't want to, then don't tell

me." Ciel laughed until her stomach started paining.

Arthur didn't mind her laughter, but he was annoyed that she didn't believe in him.