Guard Test

As the days progressed and seasons changed, 2 years passed in a blink of an eye. Cyrus having reached 5 years old, started to resemble a dashing young scholar.

Dressed up in the best linen robe his parents could afford, even though they were of poor quality, it could not dim that almost transcendent air around him. With shoulder length, glossy black hair, and those piercing golden eyes that shined with a striking intelligence, he was the definition of a handsome man.

Looking at the sun in the sky, close to noon, he picked up his sword again to finish his practice before heading over for the Blood Fiend guard test.

A few days ago his Dad had mentioned the test would be coming up soon. Since then Cyrus has been practicing almost religiously in both the fist and sword art, focusing mostly on the sword art.

Steadying himself and closing his eyes, he lead by adjusting his breathing before entering a fully focused state. At the start each sword was mundane but gradually it began to flow like water, sometimes fast, sometimes slow as the sword continued changing. And although each swing was basic, it had an almost subconscious attraction that gradually captured a persons gaze.

Cyrus sword like brows and hawkish nose were furrowed in extreme focus was just as attractive as that sword movement. Even though it was a bit immature, one could see the effort placed on mastering the foundations in each sword strike.

Slowly joy was seen as Cyrus opened his eyes, after completing the last stance.

"Not bad if I don't say so myself " smiling to himself, he silently gazed into the sky trying to judge the time. "I probably should go find Dad and mom head out" he thought to himself.

Speaking of them, Cyrus heard his mothers voice coming from inside the house. "Hurry up Cyrus or you're going to be late for the registration! We need to be early because if those guards aren't in a good mood you won't be able to register, and we won't be able to do anything about their decision."

Hearing the urgency in his mothers voice, the anxiety he had been suppressing started to boil over. With the long anticipated await coming to an end, he had been sleeping less and less while stressing over every imperfection in his training. So to his parents it seemed he was

"I should just stop stressing over it. I have already trained and prepared as well as I could. Doing more would not change anything." Coming to that realization Cyrus relaxed a bit coming to terms with whatever would happen today.

Hearing his mom calling again, he put the wood sword back in the storage behind the house and set off with his parents.

As they were walking down the streets, the atmosphere was different in the Blood Fiend Mine. Usually it would be a lot more subdued, but the surroundings had a sense of liveliness that had been missing from normal days. Seeing the swathes of children and parents heading towards the square was a new sight for Cyrus.

He noticed that the parents were especially anxious while most of the kids seemingly clueless to what was going to occur.

"These kids probably don't even know what their getting into, I truly wonder how many would even be able to see their parents after."

Not all families were as well informed as his and only knew of the success stories, not the bones they walked over to make it. As a person that had witnessed the disregard of the slaves lives, Cyrus still had great sympathy for life but understood that he would have to do things he didn't agree with to survive.

So now viewing this large swath of people heading towards the square, Cyrus was a little malonic. Still he had his resolve from young to help his parents and decided to check out the surroundings to take his mind off things.

The square was a lot cleaner then the original streets, looking pristine. The main forum was about 11,600sq feet with pillars soaring around in a circular manor leading to the inner section. From Cyrus's entrance he could see another 6 street openings coming from equally distant directions, almost like the body of spider with 3 on each side. The roof was about 300 feet with an opening in-between all the pillars.

The part that drew his attention most was those giant demons standing guard. This was the first time he had seen so many of them in one space. Cyrus could never forget those eyes filled with callousness that regarded the humans passing by as prey.

Even while walking further in he would see scenes of them grabbing humans before ripping them to shreds and eating them bloody. However, not a single person made a sound as parents covered their children's eyes and ears minding their own business. Cyrus watched all this, even though his mom attempted to block it out, clenching and unclenching his fist as tears pulled at the corner of his eyes.

Although mature on the outside, he was still a kid. Cyrus knew this was no time for sympathy and closed his eyes as he swore to not only help his parents but the people in this hell. Seemingly responding to that burning resolve the blood in his body churned in agitation before quieting down again. The agitation of his heart however, persisted like a raging flame.

Walking further those pitch black pillars, which were connected in a circular manor, had a massive crude cathedral like dome that covered the main plaza. The vast interior however, was decorated in a sadistic blood like mosaic of the 'Meathead' races glorious history with exquisite detail. The paintings around the room almost looked like they were frozen in time creating a suppressive feeling.

To Cyrus the room screamed of danger and the hair on the back of his neck stood up as a chill went down his back.

"What.... is this?" mumbled Cyrus under his breath.

As if hearing the question his father explained "This is were the 'initiation' takes place, the demons call it Falbra. They believe its our honor to be here so remember to be as respectful as possible. You saw what happened to those people outside so either keep your eyes closed or head down."

Nodding his head, he held his mom's hand in a reassuring manor after she paled in shock.

Further in was the main stage, shaped similar to a miniature U', with multiple levels for the different Demons in the hierarchy. At the top rested a 15 foot monstrous beast skull throne with its jaw open in a roaring like fashion.

Cyrus was focusing on these circular stands for testing if you could cultivate. According to his father's friend, this was the most basic entry requirement but did not mention anything after this.

Finally arriving at their designated position, Cyrus stood with his family and patiently waited for the opening ceremony to begin.

Minutes changed to hours before eventually, after what felt like forever, the wait came to an end. Just as Cyrus was feeling too sore from standing, a bizarre horn echoed throughout the hall causing the attendees to sway in dizziness. Out of the back entrance a majestic profession followed that blaring noise.

Unlike the originally ugly appearance, these demons were much more ascetically pleasing to the human eye. With their augmented facial features they could be considered average looking despite the even larger stature. These being were 15 feet and could treat the smaller members of their race like kids when comparing the muscle density.

Spikey black armor that reeked of blood was the main take away Cyrus caught observing this group taking their positions on the dais. The upper echelon of the stage was unfilled with members of a lower status seemingly supervising the test.

"It seems like this test isn't even worthy of anything great." Cyrus contemplated. However before thinking any further, 'meatheads' started forcefully ushering the group toward the testing artifacts.

No words, no reminders, just like herding a bunch of sheep into a pen. Take to long, beaten and tossed to the back to wait again. The monsters above paid little attention, chatting amongst themselves, as they idled their time away.

Cyrus just tightly held onto his mothers hand as his father walked them both ahead. Now that his view had been blocked he had to ask his Dad about what was happening with the test.

Looking over he said "It looks like....they... put their arm in the ring and some light shines on it. After that they wave you one way or the other. So far only 1 person has passed out of 300."

Even Raymond's voice was tinged with nervousness in the end after realizing the horrendous passing rate. Realizing that Cyrus responded "Dad, don't worry. Your son won't fail!" he said so firmly as if it would naturally happen.

Raymond and Angel looked at each other with thin smiles. Time passed and with over 10,000 people registering and also being near the middle, they waited silently for their opportunity as the hours went by.

Comparable to the call of destiny, Cyrus's turn came and would decide whether he would be a dragon jumping out of the shallow pond or return to mediocrity. Firm steps and slightly sweaty palms he came before the testing apparatus.

Seeing those giant demons staring at him, as if rushing him, he breathed in once before sliding his arm inside. That second waiting for the machine to verify his talent felt like eternity, but before his very eyes that red light scanning him started to turn black scaring Cyrus a bit.

Instinctually, Cyrus almost withdrew his hand like a knee-jerk reaction. However, forcefully restrained by the artifact, the light steadily changed from that black to a deep purple in a uncontrolled manner.

As the color change accelerated, that instinctual feeling in his body which seemed to always warn him of possible threats began radiating danger. In his confusion, his body acted in a lighting quick manner, reversing the change of the testing apparatus's result from purple back to black. The only thing left were those seething gazes pressuring his body to its limits and a semi-confused Cyrus.

Not realizing what was going on, Cyrus froze in shock waiting for the verdict as he wondered just what happened. On the outside though he remained as collected as possible keeping up that slightly shocked expression.

"I should have done well. I know I am talented compared to what Josh said was considered good results when studying those martial arts. It can't be that I messed up the machine.....? But that doesn't make sense either or my body wouldn't have warned me like that." Just thinking about the possible outcomes and consequences, plus the response from his body and that focused attention, had Cyrus on the edge of breaking down.

As quickly as it appeared that pressure dissipated and he was guided towards the passing area, but to Cyrus's surprise, he was treated with much more respect than others. Quietly following those 'meatheads', they politely conversed with those deep, guttural voices before asking him to wait.

Having lived in these mines it was necessary to learn the demon language or you might die not knowing the reason, so Cyrus understood and hurried over to the designated section. Looking around he realized that most of the kids were older than him, adding up to about 640 kids in total.

Now that he completed the first step of his plan it finally hit him and he could not help smiling a bit to himself. The relentless practice and dedication seemed to have paid off.

"Mom and Dad should definitely be excited, hehehe" Cyrus chuckled to himself before looking over at were they stood previously.

Seeing them proudly smiling and tears pulling at corner of their eyes elevated his mood even more. Knowing that they were satisfied he was also content. Calming himself down, Cyrus began to contemplate what in the world just happened with his test. He was not naïve enough to believe that danger sense had no meaning.

"It's pointless to think about it with the little information I have," shaking his head inwardly "I'll just lay low and answer honestly while feigning ignorance." Figuring that this was probably the only solution he sighed and waited for the remaining participants to finish.